
Is motorcross racing dangerous??

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I want to get a motorcross bike and maybe race it.. But my mam and dad think that they are too dangerous.. Are they?




  1. Yes it is very dangerous. I have a CRF250X, and I've tried to convince my Mom to let me race a little Moto.  I think once I turn 16 (Next Year) she'll give me the option.  A general rule of thumb is that safe sports don't require helmets. To the contrary though, you can get hurt/die at any time doing anything.  I have a friend that is a Professional Horse Racer, and she knew this guy that raced for years. Yes, he probably had faced his fair share of injuries, but he got his worst injury (Paralyzed) on the drive home.   It's a risk you gonna have to ask yourself are you willing to take it. Practice, and race the Beginner's class for a while to get a feel for it.  

    Ride safe, and have fun! :)

  2. No-one ever said motorcycles were safe did they?  Live life to the fullest but be smart about it. Hang out at the track, make some friends, learn the system, maybe even find a local racer and see if he/she needs a helper at the track for a few weekends. Start off in the smallest class you can run in, dress correctly and keep your bike well maintained and pay attention to your surroundings. Sure you still may die or end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life but that's life!  Personally I think roadracing is much safer and would rather fall off (and have) at 100mph and slide than drop 30 feet onto dirt or have another dirt bike land on me as you can't steer a bike while it is in the air!

  3. Yes, it can be very dangerous if you go into thinking that you're invincible and nothing can hurt you.  If you don't take a safety course, don't wear a helmet, and have no clue what you are doing, it can be very very dangerous.  Tell your parents that it's dangerous, but you'll wear all of the safety gear (Helmet, goggles, boots, knee pads, chest protector, etc.)  Find somebody in your area who is willing to show you the ropes.  Don't go into thinking that it's going to be easy or anything like that.  Also, go down to your local motorcycle shop and ask them about riding and what you'll need to get started and they'll help you out.  One last thing, don' think that it's going to be cheap.  The bike will be anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 dollars.  Then all of the safety gear can run from $500 all the way to over $1,000.  Good luck.  

  4. duuuuh.

    it's the most dangerous sport ever dipshit.

  5. it is but its fun. i remember my first race ever, i was 6 or 7. i remember crying because i didn't know where to go on the track... but i won

  6. do you really need a world wide web to answer this question?

  7. Yep, if you are near Maryland Shock Trauma, I have two friends in there now. She lost her arm up passed her shoulder. so it is a BIG YES

  8. yes it is my mate son does it and has seen many bad accidents just watch first  

  9. Yes it is a very dangerous sport.  

    The indemnity that has to be signed every time one of my sons races says it all.

    'Motorsport is dangerous and you do so at your own risk, by signing this you realise that you may be seriously injured or killed'

    Yeah it's a great little piece of paper.

    The sport is a good one or so many people would not participate, but if you race seriously then you have to expect to get hurt at some stage.  I cannot even think of one of the guys my youngest races against at an A grade level that has not had some sort of injury.

    The injuries my son has had over the years

    broken arm\

    broken leg

    2 broken arms together

    broken finger

    broken collarbone

    badly broken foot


    completely dislocated leg and in traction for a month

    So your mum and dad are very right, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give the sport a go as football can be dangerous too and look at how many people play that.

    And for those that are saying it is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing that is correct, but it is also dangerous if you do know what you are doing.  If you make a mistake in playing tennis you walk away and say 'hey that was a mistake'  If you make one in motocross the ambulance carts you away.  The speed that the top riders are going it only takes one little boo, boo, but then not everyone rides at that level.

  10. before one considers the danger of a motorcycle you must come to terms with the fact that life is fatal....

    yes motocross is dangerous...but far fewer people die racing motorcycles than die from a lack of exercise....

    you dont have to race you can just ride.....

  11. not unless you suck and crash and die

  12. yeah theyre right.  i know a lot of young kids that have passed away from it.


  14. Yes

  15. um...yeah.  but it's totally awesome.  just be careful, and make sure you know how to work everything.  have fun!

  16. um getting outa bed every morning is dangerous...

  17. yes motocross is dangerous but i think that if you take them to a race.and have them ride one day they might change there minds

    Good luck with that

    pro motocross rider

    joshua henry 616

  18. its very dangerous ,because to win you have to take a lot risks and chances . Be careful

  19. of course its dangerous. duh

  20. It is when it goes wrong.  

  21. uuuuhh yeah I think so. but feel free to try it out.  BRAKE A LEG! ; )


  22. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk.......... YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. how thick are you  

  24. Now, that''s a stupid question.  What do you want to hear?  Obviously you could figure this one out on your own......

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