
Is movin a door physics explain please

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  1. What? There are physical forces involved in moving a door, and studying/predicting the movement of the door would fall under the category of physical science.  

  2. Technically everything is physics as physics is the study of the laws of the universe and because everything follows the laws of they universe everything is within the bounds of physics... which is why I love it so much =)

    Moving a door is VERY physicsy because it is a simple system easily predicted using mathematics. Somu gives a good example of an equation used in "door-physics".

  3. Yes, it is because when you move a door i.e. you open or close it, then the door rotates around its hinges. The rotation is caused by the torque you apply on it. Torque = force * arm length.

    Here arm length is the perpendicular distance between the point at which you apply the force and the axis of rotation.

    As you can see, for a given force, the larger the arm length, the larger will be the torque and hence easier to rotate the door. That is why if you apply force at a point close to hinges, then it is very difficult to move the door. But if you apply force near the edge, then it is easier to move the door.

  4. When you interact with matter in any's physics.

    Even thought involves biology which is I'll broaden my statement...everything involves physics.  

    Actually "Is there anything that does not involve physics?" would be a great question.


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