
Is moving to Puerto Vallarta a good idea?

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First off I am married to a guy from there and we have been married for almost 5 years. We have two children together aged 1 and 3 and I also have another son who is 6 which he takes care of. We currently live in Canada. I am Canadian and all three of the kids are also. We are doing okay in Canada. He has a decent job here and we are getting by but his family is all in Mexico. We are close with my parents but my sister lives 18 hours away and we see her once or twice a year and my brother comes and goes but is not really in the kids lives much either.

My parents have enough money that they could come see us a couple times a year. He has two brothers and two sisters in Mexico. Plus his family is always willing to help with the kids. The concern I have is the schooling since here in Canada the education system is pretty good and free! I would want the kids to go to a bilingual school there and that can get expensive. We have lived there before together but for only six months and had money for maternity leave. I really like it there but I don't want to take away from the opportunities that my kids would have here. I would want them to be able to live the same or better. What I really like there is that family is so important and that you do everything with your family. I also like that things are not so rushed and you have more time to enjoys things. I know a lot of people there cannot afford a lot but they are more then willing to share what they have. I guess I am just wondering if a move is something I should consider. If anyone has any experiences with living there with young kids your input would be great also! We are a young family. We are both 26 so we could always change our mind and come back but we would just have to start again and that could be rough on the kids!




  1. I would go in a heartbeat

  2. I used to be a missionary in Chihuahua City and a couple of little villages outside of Chihuahua.  I loved the country and I loved the people.  I too many family ties here now and too many lose ends to take care of or I would already be back there and enjoying the people and the community.  The reason I could do well is because I have a permanent fixed income.  I wouldn't have to worry about how to make ends meet as I did when I lived there.  Finances, to me, would be the big factor.  If you've got an American or Canadian income to support your lifestyle there and considering the difference in values between our coinage and theirs, I would run for the border!  Put the kids and their education first and make sure you can do it because if you short-change them you can't undo the damage.  As for friendships and environment, I don't think it can be beat.  

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