
Is multiculturalism really good, or perhaps not the best model?

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Is multiculturalism really good, or perhaps not the best model?




  1. in new york multiculturalism worked out well. not a good model to some but may work in others as difference has its advantages. ^_^

  2. In social circumstances, and within the society, multiculturalism is good. It is the people who abuse the idea of it that make it seem like it is not the best model.

    Australia is a very multicultaral society, much like many other english-speaking countries. I am Vietnamese/Chinese, my brothers piano teacher is Hungarian, my neighbors are of British descent, I have an american second-cousin, one of my co-workers is a muslim...and so on and so forth. And I have friends from every corner of the earth. We live in prefect harmony and enjoy each other's company. Without multiculturalism, we wouldn't be friends. Without it I probably wouldn't be on Yahoo Answers.

    And like I said it is whether people embrace it or hate it that make multiculturalism either good or bad. Those who hate it, are just ignorant of the possibilities that multiculturalism has created, and its effects on today's society. One prominent example are the assets you own, or that are in your household. Many of the objects in my household are made in China, and if not is made somewhere in South-East asia. This promotes good relations with other nations (ie becoming less ignorant and more culturally aware, and not self-centred) and promotes good employment for these nations. The most popular car brands are either Japanese or German, and because of their specialisation and mastery of automobile design and technology, they have beccome proud and powerful nations, despite the latter experiencing horrible after-effects from both wars. Swiss watches anyone? Same idea here.....and the list goes on and on and on. But this isnt economics.

    I'm just saying that, multiculturalism overall is a good thing, and although you do get your occassional racist, in order for the world to advance there is need for unification, regardless of race (we are stronger as a planet than as seperate states...I mean what if aliens started attacking? if we weren't united we would lose....or for a real life example, The First Emporer of China had unified the states, forcing everyone to speak one language and write one language this made the country even stronger, and no more did they fight...).

    I mean Global Warming is best fought when everybody decides on a consensus as opposed to everybody doing it there own way! (known as parochialism...I think!)

    Multiculturalism = unification = strength = mental and social evolution!! =DD.

  3. It is good but has to be monitored...

    The best interests of the native culture has to be first priority at all times. But is not to be a forced issue....

    It seems to work...

    Here in Australia it has been the backbone for all our economic and farming wealth....

    I the early days culture from every nation has a history of migration...

    But the law has to be equal for all parties and no culture can impose there ethics upon the other either psychologically or physically....

  4. depends on your surroundings

  5. Here in Canada, multiculturalism has developed into ethnic ghettos.  Not a good model at all.

  6. I looked at some of the answers given by others and someone mentioned the ghettos as being the most multicultural place where they live. If you look at it from that point of view, then yes it's bad. However, I live in Queens NY which is one of the most multicultural places in the world. Additionally, many here are considered middle class. I personally love the diversity over here and feel that if more places were like this, racism and prejudice could be decreased significantly.

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