
Is my 15 yr old son depressed..or is it just hormones?

by Guest31823  |  earlier

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I know as a mom I should know this stuff but I just recently gave birth to twins..and I have my hands full! I've looked it up online.. and haven't really gotten any helpful advice.

My son sleeps ALOT, is always putting himself and others down, he used to be really popular with the girls..and was on the football team..but he's pushing it all away. His grades are slipping, he crys over little things when he never used to, he's eating less ( even his favorite foods ) His only hobbies are the computer, and TV.

My husband try to give him everything he wants, his life at home is far from horrible. Please no hateful comments. I just need advice! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!<33




  1. I remember when I was a teenager I went through a similar phase. I know in my case I just felt like I wasn&#039;t important and I just wanted to do my own thing. He might just be adjusting to the new family members and trying to figure out where he fits in now, I don&#039;t think its so much about giving him everything that he wants maybe he just wants to do something that you (your husband yourself and your son) used to do together. It&#039;s defiantly ok not to know what to do it&#039;s really awesome that you&#039;re trying to figure it out

  2. He could be depressed. Or he could have gotten himself into somethings on the computer that he shouldn&#039;t be in. He could be addicted to p**n or something (not trying to freak you out). People who become addicted to things usually slip from their normal life to make time for the addiction.

    Or it could just be hormones. 15 is one of those ages where you really have to be careful about self-diagnosis. It&#039;s best if you talk to him, watch him a little more closely, and possibly get him someone to talk to.

  3. Ok, my son is now 20....he sleeps all day...i mean literally all day!

    He never eats with the family anymore, he loses his temper all the time and i&#039;ve finally decided that its just boys becoming young men.

    He&#039;s been doing that since he was about really have nothing to worry about, i was worried at first but i kinda accepted it.

    But, if its causing you great concern, then maybe you need to discuss this with him...when he sleeps till 1pm...get him outta bed!

    Dont pander to him, just get it sorted.

    Each kid is different but im saying most boys act that way, son often blames his two younger siblings for him feeling down...because they shouted at him or maybe he&#039;s bothered about the twins taking his mum away???

    But please check he&#039;s ok as despite the fact im saying he&#039;s probably just could be drugs or depression of some sort...

  4. It sounds like your son is depressed, I do the same thing when

    I get depressed, but dont blame the twins it could be something

    else like school,grades,friends,or even A personal matter.

    Try just letting him know that your there to listen to him and maybe

    spend A day out doing things he wants to do.

  5. I think it&#039;s hormones. My brother went through this phase too (not so much with the crying/lack of appetite though), and he&#039;s recuperating. Although, try taking him to counseling because I think that would help too. Leaving him to his own devices isn&#039;t a good thing to do.

  6. maybe his classes at school are giving harder work and he feels overwhelmed. or he could have gotten himself into something at school and he&#039;s just not telling you. if you don&#039;t think it&#039;s either of those, think about it. is there absolutely ANYTHING you can think of that might be stressing him out around home? hope this helped!

  7. Much of what you describe is normal.  15 is a time of great stress and anxiety.  However, pushing away his favorite activities, not eating, and letting his grades slip, not to mention the negativism, are all signs of depression.  Or an undiagnosed medical condition.  Start with a full medical checkup, recommended for teens anyway.  If the doctor doesn&#039;t find anything physically wrong and recommends an antidepressant, I&#039;d ask to have a psychiatrist evaluate him in order to be sure the meds that are prescribed are appropriate (MD&#039;s just don&#039;t have the experience or skill and rely too much on the hype given them by the drug manufacturers for their name-brand products).

    Frankly, my money is on something physical and easily treatable, like anemia.  Best wishes.  (And congratulations on those twins!)

  8. suck it up and ur stupid because ur a mom and dont now wat to do

  9. To me, (being 16), this sounds like a cross between hormones and depression.

    This sounds quite normal, but only to a certain degree. It depends on the time length, the the general extent of this behavior.

    What about mood swings?

    He could just have some things on his mind right now and that&#039;s his way of dealing with it.

    Just support him as his mother, and encourage him to talk about whatever it is getting him down. If he feels he can&#039;t talk to you about it, you could advise him on other people he could talk to.

    Hope this helps :)

  10. since hes young (like me) he feels that he can only have a life on the computer and tv. it might be something he hasnt told u(if u told ur parents everything at his age u must have been strange)  

  11. To me, that does sound like depression ALOT. Have him go see a doctor, or maybe just try and talk to him. Hope he&#039;s okay.

  12. i just turned 16 and it really made me angry when my parents dismissed every problem as &quot; oh shes just a teenage girl&quot; and never really asked if it was a bigger problem and that doesn&#039;t sound like a normal teen behavior that sounds like me when i was depressed. but iam no doctor so find out for yourself

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