
Is my 2 year old to big?

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I have a son who is 2 years & 4 months old. He's always been kinda tall & slender. Never fat. He weigh's around 28-30 pounds.

He's feet are HUGE! He's in a 8. He has to wear 3T or 4T. And the other day we bought a little swimming pool for him. And it is 3 foot deep. I bought him a life jacket thinking that he wouldnt be able to touch the bottom. Well to my surprise he stands great in it. The water comes up to his b***s.

I'm 5'8 & my husband is 6'4.

Is he to big for his age? The doctors have never said anything about it, but I'm a mom & I

Thanks in advance =)




  1. Sounds like he will be on the tall side. Nothing to worry about.

  2. My daughter just turned two and she weighs 30lbs and is 36" and she wears a size 8 shoe and a size 3T in clothes. The dr said she was in the 75-90% for her age group. I think they are a good average size!

  3. So here is what you do get a foot ball and pads go out and start tossing it. J/K But he is smaller than My son was at that age and my son is 95% for hight and 90% for weight. You have a big boy That is a good thing. He is just like daddy and you are tall too. Well to me I am 4 11.  Funny thing My Daughter is 12 and is much bigger than me feet hight and cloths.

  4. No he's not to big. My son is 14 months and he weighs about 26lbs. my son is also wearing a size 5 sometimes 6 shoe dependig upon the brand.

  5. I wouldn't worry...what size shoe do you and your husband wear? I wear a babys daddy wears a 12 and our 4yr old is in a 12 also...her feet are so she wears a 5, sometimes 6...not 5T....just 5 out of the little kids section, and she is in perfect I wouldn't worry unless the doctor suggests it.

  6. No, he is not too big, he is just taking after your husband's height.  You will have one tall and strapping young man some day.  Congratulations.

  7. Your son has b***s?

  8. It sounds like your son will probably be tall. Believe me, I'm the mother of a two year old girl and I know what it's like to worry, but I wouldn't worry unless he was underweight, overweight, or unusually short. Be glad that he's tall. Since your husband is 6'4" it's no surprise! I always worry about my daughter's weight(she's thin)

  9. um ok i have a 2 year old weighs about that much and shes a 7 1/2 and shes a 3t and you guys are tall noting to worry about

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