
Is my 5 year old daughter underwieght?

by  |  earlier

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her name is maybelle and is 5 and wieghs 22 lb.?




  1. Yes

  2. I would speak to her doctor regarding that.  My son just turned 3 and weighs 38lbs and he is far from being overweight (large frame and bones but no fat).  

    My 4 month old weighs over 16 lbs.

  3. Unless she is very, very short, yes.  My daughter weighed 23 pounds when she was a year old.  She is three now and weighs 35.

  4. How much did she weigh when she was born?  Does she eat? Is she healthy? What does the doctor say?  These are all questions to consider.  My daughter was born at 6 lbs 3 oz.  She has always been small and now at 4 she weights at 24 lbs.  When she was less than a year old the doctor did a bunch of blood work on her and found nothing wrong for her under weight.  When she was 2 1/2 the doctor tested for Anemia and found out she was a little bit Anemic.  The doctor just said to give her more foods with iron in it. Don't be alarmed, but my daughter I look at her as just being little and I think she is so cute.  My mom said I was always little too.  Check with her doctor and go from there.

  5. definatly. maybe the scale you are using is inacurate, because that is crazy

  6. holy c** 7 month old weighs 20... and hes just average size.

  7. yea she is i would suggest you take her to pediatrician and they will put her on a weight gain diet

  8. Yes it's underweight!  Our daughter is 28 pounds and she will be 3 in August.  We have been concerned about her weight for some time.  She hit 20 pounds and didn't gain weight for an eternity.  So we've been feeding her just about anything she likes over this past year and she got up to 27-28 pounds.  But a 5 year old only 22 pounds would be a cause for concern.  i would take her to a pediatrician and perhaps get on some supplements or those meals they can give to help weight gain.  I am sure it also has to do with body mass, height, bone structure, etc but that seems very underweight to me.  A doctor should be able to advise and help you in the right direction!

  9. My 2 year old nephew weighs 20.

    R U A B****

  10. yes she is underwieght....she should be between 33- need to take the child to a pediatritian to help...

  11. VERY underweight!!!!!!!!!!

    She should be between 37-46 pounds if she is 3'8'' tall. I just made a random estimate. Go this site and enter all the information to find her BMI and how much she is underweight:

  12. yes she needs to be 40 to 60 ,but just go ask a dr

  13. it depends on your height, here is a website you put in in her info and it has a key that tells u if she is underweight normal etc.

  14. You could always try some pediasure if she'll drink it. Try offering her healthier foods and snacks more often through the day. Good ones are banana, peanut butter on bread, toast, crackers or celery.  You could also offer her cheese cubes to snack on or roll a slice of cheese up in a  slice of turkey or ham from the deli or that is left over from a dinner. Offer her sugar free pudding to snack on.  

    Try milkshakes in different flavors and throw in a banana when you do.

    Scrambled eggs with some cheese sprinkled on.

    If after a few weeks she doesn't start putting weight on and she still seems underweight talk to her doctor and ask for their suggestions and assessment.  22 pounds to me seems really underweight for 5.  My 15 month old weighs 27.

  15. you are a troll. yesterday you wanted to know why your brother wants to pee on you. grow up.

  16. Considering you recently asked a question about your 8 year-old sister peeing on you, I sincerely doubt you have a 22-pound five year old. Nice try though.

  17. thats pretty tiny but should be something talked about with her pedi.. but my opinion us YES

  18. kind of.  I'm not sure what the average is, but my 4 year old is about 50lb, and not overweight in any way

  19. YES!!!!!  My 3 year old weighs 28 lbs, and my 18 month old is 21 lbs and he is being tested because he is under weight!!  She doesn't even weight enough to be out of a car seat!

  20. First you were complaining that you were grounded for something you did because your sister peed on you.. then your 13yo son is sick and your husband isn't home .. yet another troll with nothing better to do then make up stories.

  21. Yes unless she is really short that is underweight.

  22. Definitely!  My daughter weighed 40 lbs at 4and a half, and though he weighed 10lb.7 oz at birth, my 15 month old weighs 33 lbs!

  23. It depends how tall she is but that sounds WAY underweight. You can work out her BMI- body mass index, by her height and weight, and that will tell you whether she is underweight or not for her height. If she's average or tall for her age she definetely is but if she's short then it's possible she might not be. If she is, take her to the doctors and he'll give you advice on how to raise her weight, check her diet and maybe prescribe yoiu some nourishment medicine.

  24. Wow, she is underweight. Get her an appointment with her pediatrician pronto! Her doctor needs to map out a diet program for her that is nutricious but will help her gain and maintain body weight.

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