
Is my 5 year old son seeing things

by Guest33526  |  earlier

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i have 2 young boys ages 3 and 5 years. my eldest ever since he was about a year old started panicing like he was afraid of something which only happend when we was at home. then he got scared of garlic im not sure why. then when he was about 3 years old he started telling me lady called missey pokes him and that she wears a white dress with hair like mine which is red. i moved twice since to a diffrent home. and he stopped talking about this thing. but recently he is talking about this again and crying in the night telling me that she keeps poking him. i asked him if he wants me to go to tell her to stop but he got scared and told me that he is not alowed to tell. i cant get to the bottom of this i dont know what to do,when i tell people they think im losing it. but i admit im abit scared to can anyone whos reading this had a similer problem or the cause for my sons behaviour?




  1. it seems like someone in your pass is messing with him and that can be very terrifying for a 5 year old and i know that its effecting you to, have you tried taking him to counseling or have him examined. i hope you believe in God because in your daily/nightly prayers ask him to make it go away.

  2. psychologist

  3. Ask him if he wants you to KILL missey and get rid of her forever (just stand in front of his bed with a baseball bat and wait for the stupid s***k missey to come out). Or just give him a shotgun and let him finish the job on his own.

  4. Have you tried taking him to the doctor? He might be seeing things, because of a tradegy or what feels like one to him. Or it could just be his imagination.

    My brother and I are both on medicine for seeing things.

    The meds won't make him insane, or robotic-like. They will help, trust me.

    Just try that, and write to me whenever you have questions.

    I hope everything works out(:

  5. Never experienced something like this first hand, but I definitely believe in the super natural and I think it's a spirit that your son is that probably isn't too nice. I've seen episodes on TV about real ghost stories and such, and things like what's happening to your son, have happened before.

    Whether or not you believe in this stuff, it's for real and I'd call in some paranormal experts and even some psychics, and they can try and help get rid of the spirit.

    I really hope everything works out, stay strong.  

  6. ok my lil sis she is 6 but she kind of had the same problem but about a little kid that scares her but i would never see anything and we told my mom and she said we were losing it to then we took her to get massaged since we have a mexican heritage sometimes when little kids cant go to sleep or wake up crying or just get setimental we take them to a mexican healer thata basicly just gives them a special massage to make thhem not scared and trust me people say we are crazy and we are not cause i had the same problem and my grandma just gave me that massage and it worked and check his feet when he goes to sleep if he really is scared and seeing things they are going to be cold and he wont or cant b e able to warm them up even he puts double socks soi suggest ou do something about the missy thing has sometimes kids have that basicly in the back of thier mind=[

  7. Although I don't actually believe in the supernatural, in case it IS really something like that... usually spirits are said to stick to places and not people.  If he is a medium make sure he's seeing the same individual (ask what she looks like and if she looks the same).  If you want to go the route of having him talk to a psychic it may help because if the psychic convinces him that it's taken care of, he may believe it and do better.

    But it sounds to me like he's having night terrors or something similar.  When my brother was little, he refused to have a stuffed monkey called Montgomery in his room because he said at night half of its face would melt and turn green and it would stare at him.  My brother doesn't see anyhing like that now at 17 so clearly it was just a childhood phase.

    Moving probably fixed the problem temporarily since he thought 'Missey' would go away when they moved.  Then he let his mind believe that 'Missey' had come after him again.  

    I recommend first trying to solve this problem without the intervention of a doctor.  You can tell him that you're much stronger than Missey and that if he tells on her you promise you'll protect him from her.  Ask him to tell you about Missey.  Then make her seem weak and pathetic.  Send him out of the room and say you're going to have a talk with Missey.  You can pretend to talk in the room or just stay silent.  Now when you let him back in, smile and say, "Missey will leave you alone from now on.  She's just a meanie.  If she tries anything again tell me right away and I'll take care of it."

    If you find that something like this doesn't work you can also try the logical approach and insist that Missey isn't real and he's just dreaming.  Show him the closet and under the bed and tell him, "See?  There's nowhere that Missey could be hiding.  People don't just disappear."  You're going to have to tell him ghosts dont exist for this to be effective, so if you don't feel comfortable telling him that it won't work.  If he claims to see her even when you're looking at nothing, or if these methods don't help him at all, I definitely recommend having him see a child psychologist.

    But honestly, I think your son is fine.  Just going through a phase many children go through.  :)

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that sometimes kids get extra excitable at bedtime for dietary or habitual reasons.  For instance if he's watching certain shows right before bed or if you let him have food before bed, his mind might be too stimulated to sleep.  Additionally, if he's not running around enough during the day he may have too much energy.  Make sure he doesn't have any sugar before bed and turn off the TV for at least half an hour before bedtime, maybe just cuddle with him or read a nice book to him to get him relaxed and slowing down.

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