
Is my 6:03 mile time good for my age?

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14 years old and run a 6:03. I know it's not great. What can I do to improve?




  1. Are you kidding? That is an excellent time for a mile. Wait until you're an old geezer like me and you're happy with just being under 9 minutes.

  2. Good time, vary your workouts and most importantly rest at least once a week even if you don't think you need it.  Write up a workout, try it for a week then add/subtract things.  If you have access to a track do 100 run, walk 100 until you have done a mile or two.  Change that distance to 200s or 400s different days.  Get in a day with a 5k.  Ideally you will get to where you feel like you are at the same pace as a 400.

    Good luck.

  3. Thats alright for your age but im strictly a sprinter and my time is 6:30. Kepp on training and pushing yourself.

    good luck!

  4. that, i guess would be bassed on how fit you are i am 12 and i can run one in ten minutes but i am the slowest in my class  so i guess you are pretty good for how old you are

  5. Don't believe it. Those 100 sprints combined with 100 rest walks are not going to help all that much. That's speed work, not endurance work. The reason it is not endurance work is because it allows you way, way too much recovery time.

    The main muscle that helps you run farther is located inside of your chest on the left. You need to buff up that heart. Speed work with full recovery doesn't cut it.

    A distance runner needs Continuous Aerobic Running (CAR). That means keeping your heart beating at an accelerated rate for a long period of time — that's why we go out on long runs — lots of them.

    It takes time to build endurance, which is why your best long distance runners are in their mid- to late- 20s.

    Yes, some varied workouts are warrented, but there's no substitute for longer runs at this point in your career. If you were going to be on my cross country team this fall, I'd want you to put in at least 250 miles in June and July. That way I could really start training you in August. I wouldn't care if you ran any speed work during those months, just average 30 long distance miles a week.

    Also, to improve your mile, you need to run an efficient race. A six-minute mile is a 360-second mile (averagng 90 seconds per split). The closer you are to hitting exactly 90 seconds on your first spilt, 2:30 at the half, and 4:00 at the end of your third lap, the easier it will be to run a 6:00 mile.

    At your age, you should be a lot closer to a five-minute mile, averaging 75 or 80 seconds per lap.

  6. That is good for an average kid your age. Me, being 13, can run a 5:35, which is above average for my age. All I can tell you is to train hard and get that time below 5:50. Try doing the sprint 100, jog 100 method for about 2 miles, and do it as many times a week as you can. This improves both speed and endurance.

  7. keep on running!

    i used to run a 7:45 mile, and then i started doing 400's as an extra work-out every monday. Now, 6 months later, i run a 5:50 as my fastest.

    Once a week, after your daily work-out, do:

    4 400's at easy [to warm-up]

    4 at 90

    3 at 86

    2 at 84

    and one all-out [fast and for as long as you can go]

    --hope it benefits you like it did me!

  8. good you will be under 6:00 before you know it.

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