
Is my 8 year old son self harming??Please help!?

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when my 8 year old son gets really angry about something (for example if he is naughty and i ground him), and he really cries, he also quite often scaratches his face with his fingernails!

i am so worried about this. When i ask him why he did it, he says he doesnt know, he was just really angry.

what on earth shall i do???

is it a type of self harm?

I hate to think that my son is self harming!




  1. It sounds a little like an attention thing with him doing it when he has been naughty, try and change his punishment so he isnt out of sight such as taking away certain toys or giving him little jobs to do! If this doesnt work go and see your gp for advice!

  2. ,i don't thing its attention, your son doesn't known how to deal with his anger, give him a stress toy! and try calmly talk to him about it , ask him why he does it.

  3. I would talk to your family doctor about this. Also see if counseling will work for him. My son has ADHD and throw temper tantrums and has meltdowns(no self harm) and his therapist and psychiatrist have helped a great deal.

  4. I don't think he's consciously self harming himself, he's just doing it out of frustration. Try giving him something to squeeze when he gets angry, like a stress ball or a soft toy or something to stop him scratching his face.

  5. It is not purposeful self harm. What he says is right "I don't know, i'm just really angry"

    He isn't able to deal with his emotions very well so he just starts scratching his face our of pure anger and frustration. I suggest you sit him down and talk to him about ways he can deal with his anger. He needs to learn for the future and so he doesnt start scaring his face!

    Good Luck! (hope i helped =])

  6. does he do this in front of you? if so it could be a way of seeking attention from you or he may think he will get off from being grounded as you may feel sorry for him

    On the other hand it could be a way he is venting his frustration- which yes could be self harming.

    My advice is to go to your doctor and see what he/she says.

    take note of when he does it and the reasons you think its for (ie the grounding) If hes doing it at times when you think he is "okay" it could be a cry from help from him

    Talk to a professional -it's the best way around things.

    I hope everything works out okay for the both of ye.

  7. I feel for you because as a self harmer myself, I understand what he is going through. My daughter is 11 and has done the same thing for years. I took her to a psychiatrist and found out she does have anxiety. Maybe you should talk to your pediatrician. Best of luck

  8. Your son is not self harming but still NOT not self harming, if you know what I mean. Try changing another type of method (e.g. not grounding). Hope it helps.

  9. I think it's more for attention although when asked he can't give you a reasonable explantation because he's only 8 but he's learnt it worries you so he does it.

  10. i would advice u to take him to the psychiatrist........might b he can help OR

    u can talk to your son and tell him that what he is doing is wrong and that he is putting himself in danger

  11. that is called self mutilation and it can lead to more harm full things . you should take him to a child psychologist to find out why and get some intervention.

  12. i wouldnt class it as self harming - yet, but it could develope into it, you need to talk to him about anger and why get gets angry with himself, does he realise why hes being told off? and why he has done something wrong.? he needs to express his anger verbally so you know why hes acting like that, but dont let him see you getting up set shocked etc, he may start to scratch himself as a way to get attention of yourself. maybe try and distract him if hes starting to get rilled up with a drink of juice or his fav. cartoon on tv or something. x

  13. It's tottally an attention thing, and a phase

    when my younger brother was little he used to smash his head into anything and everything (realllly hard) for about 4 months!

    our doctor said its fine and he'dmost likely grow out of it

    and he did.

    so just ignore it and continue as normal. of couse if it gets more serious i would have it checked out.

  14. He knows you will react and maybe relent on the grounding etc....

    In all probability he knows he can get your attention with his actions...It seems to be what he is doing rather than self harming..Professional guidance might be a good idea..

  15. it just sounds like he is still really infantile - when babies cry they rub their faces with their hands and can cause scratching..  once he gets older and more mature he will probably be able to handle his anger better.

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