
Is my 9 month old watching too much Tv?

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My daughter is in love with elmo? Sometimes thats the only way I can get work done around the house. I put on a elmo dvd and she's hooked. How much tv should she be watching at this age? Currently, She watches a 30 min dvd in the morning and one after school and another one before bed.

I try getting in the floor to play with her but she gets bored with me really quick. She use to let me read book after book to her now I'm lucky if I finish one. I want her to be entertained by other things not just television.




  1. Yeah, I think you're right - it is a bit too much tv time for her at this age, and she shouldn't really be depending on it. How is she with going out, like to a park or something. I think you really need to keep up with entertaining her in different ways, so that she gets the tv more as a treat than anything else.

    How important is it that you have a clean and tidy house? I'm not knocking you for it, its just perhaps you could do it if she has a nap or something.

  2. Turn it off, and unplug it when she knows how to use the buttons.

    I think that's too young to watch any TV at all.  She needs things that are hands-on and interactive.

  3. i read a while back that "they" recommend NO tv until 2yrs of age at the youngest...and then only 2 hrs a WEEK at most.

    my dd started watching tv around 18months...we rotate between barney, elmo, and frosty. like you, it's the only way to escape for a bit to get things done around the house.

  4. If she would rather watch TV than interact with people, I would start limiting her TV viewing.  Instead of only reading to her, part of the time try some interactive play (ball, drumming, dancing).  I would continue to read to her, especially just before nap or bed time.

  5. Wow, I didn't know 9 month olds watched T.V. or DVDs! My kids didn't watch at that age. But I would say an occasional program that she enjoys should be O.K. It sounds like she watches about 90 min. a day. I'd probably cut it down to 30-60 min., especially since she's so young. What about reading her some Elmo books?

  6. A 9 month old shouldn't even know what a TV does. She needs better interaction than that. Try doing your work when she is napping, or when another family member can entertain her. Also, try rotating her toys so that she doesn't see the same ones all the time. She may be bored with them. Use her toys in different ways, and takes your cues from her as to what she likes to do with them. Google games for her age and try some different things with her to see what her likes and dislikes are.

  7. At 9 months neither of my kids were watching TV I have actually never heard of a 9 month old watching TV. Just turn it off and unplug it if you are that worried about it. Take your baby outside to play and to the park or even just for a walk it's up too you to change this behavior.

  8. watching three shows a day at nine months sounds like a bit much. Some of the experts say that infants should not watch any tv at all. I showed my girls Baby Einstein dvds during their first year, but only 30 minutes per day.

  9. no idont think so it was the same way with me when my child was little sometimes i needed those dvds just to b able to get to the housework done.theres nothing wrong with that sometimes u just have to do what u have to do as a mom..just  keep it baby safe (treehouse tv is always great  ex. "max and ruby","franklin" and so on so are the "baby einstein" videos)...its always better if you can entertain them in other ways but she'll grow out of this stage too and then she'll expect you to play with her again

  10. well sometimes people gotta pick their own path.  just make sure it's not overly spoiling her.  there's a fine distinction between listening to her needs and being a bad mother

  11. I'm gonna go with yes.  I have read studies that say 30 minutes a week is ok.

  12. No, that is fine!!

    Tv is great for babies, in moderation of course.

  13. well in my opinion i think it is too much tv for a 9 month old because wouldnt it be like watching an hour and a half for one whole day

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