
Is my Friend in deep trouble?

by  |  earlier

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So My friend is 16 yrs old and got his liscenes today but yesturday something bad happend. He drove by himself to run an eron for his mother. (His mother was not feeling that well) so he insisted to his mom that since he is gettting his liscenes in 1 day he wants to drive by himself. Well he was in the parking lot of the place he was going to run the eron for, And he was waiting for the pedastrain to cross to get to the market, He let her cross and hit the accleratter a bit to hard and and a cop pulled him over. He said to my friend that you were driving wrecklesly, But when he found out he didn't have a liscens he made him call his dad and tell him to come pick him up.

The officer gave him a court date and tell him you must come.

The officer said i am only ticketing you for driving without a valid liscens

Now my friend showed me the place he got caught and his literally drove 20 feet after letting the pedestrian cross and the cop pulled him over.

So My question is what will happen to my friend in court?

He has a liscenes now.

Thanks in advanced

BTW he lives in NH




  1. His license might get suspended until he's 18.  He'll probably get a fine.

  2. I don't think your friend is the one who is in trouble.

    You are the one who needs to learn how to write and spell.

  3. Having his license now will not change the effect the punishment will have on him.

    Most often the judge will order a suspension or hold on his license. He will not be eligible to drive for a certain period of time. Unfortunately for your friend, since he got his license, it will go on his driving record as a license suspension. Had he waited till the court date to find out the ruling, they would have simply made it so he couldn't get his license till after a certain probationary period. (Like instead of being aloud to get your license at 16 you have to wait till your 21.) And it would have not gone on his driving record.

    FYI: I wouldn't recommend telling the judge his mom ok'd that he drive alone. It's considered child neglect to allow a minor to break the law and his parent(s) can face serious legal issues.

  4. i guess we'll have to wait and see hahahah  j/k i dont know lol j/k well he will still get in trouble cuz they will they the cop is right maybe pay a fine but nothing too harsh like taking his license away

  5. What he has today, has no bearing on what he had yesterday.. which was No valid license.   Same for the 20 feet thing.. 20 ft or 2000 ft, he was still driving the car, on a road/street, and got stopped. Since the cop did not write him for reckless driving, no point to disputing that.

    He will have to pay the ticket, and it will affect his insurance rate.  

  6. Personally if I was the police I would also be after his mum.  As a parent of a teenager she showed exceptionally bad judgement by handing a teenage boy her car keys. Be it only hours, a day, a week or a month before he licence started. None of that matters as on the date detected he was unlicensed.  

    Maybe his defence could be along the lines of mistaken date, that is providing he did not already spill the beans to the cop on the day that he knew he was out of date.  

    Yet despite knowing he was a day early he still could not control the urge to spin the wheels.  She should have know her son was a inclined to show off.  

    The cop did us all a big favor.

    I find it crazy that a mother endangered the community simply because she was unwell.  

    Now days judges are no consistent with their application of the law and penalties.  There is no way of predicting how your friend will do.  

    That said he should expect to receive a lot more than a simple slap on the wrist.  

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