
Is my GPA enough to study in the US?

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I have a GPA of 3.01(out of 4) and I'm thinking about studying molecular biology or genetics at Oklahoma university(for undergraduate). I currently live in Sweden. Is my GPA enough? How well can someone do in the US with a GPA of 3 when it comes to studying at a university? Do i have a chance with this GPA or is it too low in general?




  1. Most programs in your field require that applicants have at least a GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0, so you are qualified to apply to US graduate programs. Some grad programs are more competitive re: admissions than others, and I don't know enough about that field at U Oklahoma to tell you how tough it is to get into. But you are qualified to apply, and that's good news.

    You may also need to take the GRE, the GRE subject test in your field, and the TOEFL if you were not educated in an English language school. Check the graduate admissions pages at U Oklahoma to find out what you need re: exams and paperwork.  

  2. It depends on how high the standards are at the university. A 3.1 is a high C (I think), this would not get you a scholarship (but im not sure about scholarships for abroad students). If you wanted to go to the university you would have to apply first. Hope you get accepted. Good Luck.

  3. If you can pay, the vast majority of American Universities will accept you. Not the big name ones, but any ranked below 100.

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