
Is my g****a Pig sick or stressed

by Guest31600  |  earlier

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Okay, I asked a question similar to this one yesterday..but I don't think the people that answered me understood what i meant. My new pig(had him for four days now) is missing a patch of hair about the size of a penny on his neck, the people at petsmart said it was most likely caused from stress(moving from place to place). I'm taking him down to petsmart to get it checked out tomorrow, but I just wanted to see what you guys think. (: thanks!




  1. I would say go to a vet NOT petsmart. Petsmart has no clue how to take care of animals, petsmart will probably deny that it has mites or lice. I would say go to a vet instead to get it checked out.

  2. can you get a picture of it so we can see exactly where it is???

    is it pale and scaly???

    is your guinea pig scratching it?

    is it spreading?

    is it not itchy or spreading?

    can he reach the spot?

    has he been housed with any other Guinea pigs??

              now or before???

    these can help me say what it is / what you need to do :)

  3. It sounds like some type of parasite. Instead of taking the pig to Petsmart, take him to a local exotics vet. Lots of people working at Petsmart really don't know what they're doing.  

  4. Your piggie does NOT have hair loss from stress. It is either mites, lice, or Ringworm. (Ringworm is not a worm, but a fungal infection of the skin.)

    All three are treatable with the help of a qualified EXOTICS vet.  

  5. What ever you do. Do not take it to pet smart because they are absolutely wrong about everything. I bought a guinea pig there once and it died a month later because the teeth didn't grow in correctly and they didn't check or fix it therefore he couldn't eat and he died. Take it to a qualified vet and have them take care of it.

  6. Petstupid doesn't know anything. They buy their animals from breeding mills. They are usually sold sick.

    Find a real vet and submit the vet bill to them. Make a big stink with management and corporate. They usually pay to shut you up.

    Stress does not cause hair loss but it does cause mites and ringworm to flare up.  

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your poor little piggie!  I used to have guinea pigs in the past.  Your guinea pig could be stressed out, or it could be because it hates "mange mites".  Mites could be very irritating, so if your guinea pig is scratching or acting weird that could be the problem.  If your guinea pig does have mites, I would try and get them cleared up soon, because they could kill.

    Here is a link I've found, if you click on "mange mites" it can tell you about them.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  8. Sounds like mites

  9. don't worry it's nothing big, as long as it's not all bumpy or really red or bleeding or anything. your totally fine. mine had that. but the fur grew back soon. if it gets bumpy or any of the things i said above you should take it to the vet and get a special shampoo (like i did with my other one) but if it doesn't look anything like that then don't waste your time with the vet. your piggie is fine :)

  10. Guinea pigs who are purchased from a pet store such as Petsmart or Petco often have mites and/or lice when they are purchased. My first pair of guinea pigs were purchased from Petsmart and they ended up having lice AND mites. Now I go to guinea pig rescues for my guinea pigs. Do not take him back to Petsmart, they're clueless and will vehemently deny he could've possibly gotten mites from their pet store. Get him to a reputable exotics vet for treatment. Revolution, Advantage, and Ivermectin are the only approved and reputable methods of treatment for mites and lice. Good luck!

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