
Is my Hermit crab dead??

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So this morning I woke up and he smells kinda like dead fish and when I touch his legs he does'nt move. I can put them over top of each other but he still does'nt move. A week ago he lost his big claw he has'nt eaten anything or drank anything he just slept. And when he did come out of his shell he did for like 2 seconds. I heard they fall out of they're shell when they're dead but he has'nt fallen out?? But could he still be dead?? If he is I guess things happen and I am happy he is in crab heaven he was pushed beyond his limit when he lost his claw to stress. R.I.P Manney I am going to miss you so much little bud *crying* );

P.s. I really am crying right now I miss him so bad!!




  1. I have 2 hermit crabs and my littler hermit crab just came out of his shell and  his big claw was right beside him. He still has the little claw. After, he stayed out of his shell for about 5 minutes then he went back into his shell.  Is he going to die or should i not worry about it?

  2. I have 2 hermit crabs and my littler hermit crab just came out of his shell and  his big claw was right beside him. He still has the little claw. After, he stayed out of his shell for about 5 minutes then he went back into his shell.  Is he going to die or should i not worry about it?

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