
Is my MIL overfeeding, or my mother underfeeding???

by  |  earlier

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My son is 6months old & he's been breastfed since birth.

I work & pump and my MIL babysits 4days a wk, friday is my mom's day.

I leave 2 6oz bottles for the 8hrs i'm gone. My mil feeds him both of them but my mother only gives him one. I feed my son before i leave & frankly, when i go pick him from my mom's house, he's happy & content, doesn't seem hungry at all... Which is also the case when my MIL babysits..

So.. Do you think my mom starves him? Or my mil overfeeds him?





  1. is your mum giving him bits of food or is he still only on breast milk . Nana's can be a bit naughty at times treating them when they are not supposed to ask your mum but do it in a tack full way and also ask your mil about it too . don't think anyone is starving your lo as he would let you know by wanted a feed as soon as you picked him up and would be a long feed i would have thought.

  2. I think he should be drinking both bottles. Drop in on your mother while she is watching him and see what is going on.

  3. if he's happy and content, there's no problem.

  4. Maybe your mom is feeding him other food?

    A 6 month old going 8 hours with ONLY 6oz of milk seems like its not enough.

    Why don't you just talk with them about it?  Is your mom feeding him other things?  Is she letting him cry of hunger until he just gives up?  Is your MIL feeding when he's NOT exhibiting hunger cues?  Does she stop when he acts full, or does she try and force him to "top off"?  

    The important thing is just that they pay attention to his hunger cues.  He should eat when he is hungry, and stop when he is full.  To do otherwise is teaching him to ignore his body's natural feelings, and that's a recipe for habitual over or under-eating.  He shouldn't be forced to have more or less than they think is "right".  His body knows what it needs.  So just talk to them about it and figure out what the deal is.

    ***On the days that your mom has him, does he nurse more after coming home to you, as if trying to make up for the eating he missed during the day?  My 5 month old goes 8 hours without eating at night time, so I suppose its quite possible for him to go that long during the day with only one feed, if he's making up for it later by nursing a little longer or more often.  Also, maybe he's just more entertained with your mom, from the sounds of it?  I'm not sure if keeping busy and having fun can make a baby want to eat less.  But adults eat out of boredom, so maybe that is the case when he is with your MIL.  He's getting less one-on-one attention, so he's making up for it by comfort eating perhaps?  Anyway, you're so blessed to have 2 wonderful people to care for your little one.  Sounds like they do things a bit differently, but both love him.

  5. I think 12oz isn't alot at all. Actually I remember my DD eating way more than that!  

  6. the 2 bottles seem more reasonable, but then again your son is old enough to tell you when he's hungry. So if he is in good spirits when you pick him up, I wouldn't worry. Perhaps ask your mother to try and give him the 2nd bottle even if he doesn't ask for it? That way you can be sure he's getting enough.  

  7. Neither if he's happy and content. But at his age he should be still having lots of milk so perhaps suggest to your mother that she should encourage him to take a little more. Or offer it more. Perhaps MIL just offers it more. Also a good idea may be to express on a day off and see for yourself how much he wants in the bottle.

  8. You say your mom keeps him entertained, so he probably gets less fussy, thus she does not think he is hungry (which he may or may not be).  Your MIL may just be comforting him with a bottle (which is not a problem).  It really does not matter.  You said he is happy and content either way.  Emma only drinks two bottles a day for me and the other day my mom watched her and she drank four!

  9. i think the 2 bottles is better, i don't think one 6 oz bottle is enough for 8 hrs.

    my 7 month old will drink 10 - 12 ozs in 8 hrs (two 5 - 6 oz bottles) and he is on formula which is more filling and digests slower than breastmilk.  

    so i think your mother is not giving him enough.  as much as i hate to say it, the MIL is right.  hehe

  10. If he seems happy when you pick him up, I wouldn't worry. As for the people who think 12 ounces is not enough for him for a day, I bet your son "reverse cycles," which means he nurses in the evenings and nights to make up for what he doesn't get during the day. Essentially, he prefers to wait for you and nurse, than eat during the day. It is totally normal. When I couldn't bring my baby to work anymore with me (she was 9 months old), she started reverse cycling. She barely ate all day whie at home with my husband, and then nursed and nursed when I got home. She still gained weight splendidly.  

  11. I think one and a half bottles is perfect...just one is not enough.

  12. If the baby is happy, don't sweat it. Different people do things differently and if he's not sick or unhappy, just let it go.

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