
Is my PG&E bill too high?

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I live in a one bedroom apt. I don't run my airconditioner, only two box fans. The lights are off at all times, and I have two tv's but only one is on at a time, and they do not tae up too much energy. My bill has always been around 70, but two months ago it jumped to 100, last month 140, and this month it jumped to 280. HELP?




  1. I live in ATL, GA and live in an old four square house. It has 10ft ceiling and the AC stays on all day and night around 78-80F  My bill has never been more then $150.  The only new thing about the house is the storm window and they were not put in very well and their are gaps. And it is around 1300sq ft.  I use to live in a one bedroom 600 sq ft and had a window unit.  I would be upset if the bill was over $75.

  2. call PG&E sounds like something is going on.

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