
Is my Rat sick? what's happening? What is gonna happen?

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i Just got her yesterday with another rat. She is sneezing and making clicking noises and other noises that i don't know if they are normal or not....i discovered the bedding was pine and she may have allergies but she isn't getting any better since i changed the bedding....if shes not better by tomorrow, i am taking her to the store and they are giving her antibiotics




  1. give her a chance to get the pine out her system but you should still get her some antibiotics asap she really doesn't sound well. keep a eye on your other rat make sure she fine too

    good luck janie  

  2. The pine bedding wouldn't be helping her, get rid of it if you can.  For my rats, I used shredded paper, unfortunately htis probably isn't the best for bedding as it soaks up the urine so it needs to be changed every day.  But the rats love playing in it!! (they used to make tunnels in it, funny things they were. RIP guys  :(   )

    Belinda B has given some good advice here, listen to her!

  3. my guess would be the pine bedding. it might take some time to get it out of her system. but you already took the right precautions by going to get antibiotics tomorrow because she might have gotten a respiratory infection.  

  4. The clicking noises sound normal.

    If it sounds like your rat is grinding her teeth together she is 'bruxing' which is a good thing- it means she is very happy.

    If she is making quite loud, angry clicking noises and fighting with your other rats thats not such a good sign.

    How is she interacting with the other rat?

    I have had problems with sneezy rats before- in some all I have really had to do is change from clay based litter to non-dusty paper based litter to relieve the problem, but in others its been an uphill battle with respitory infections and constant anti-biotics.

    Pick her up and listen to her breating. Does she have a rattle in her chest? Mycoplasma is a common and uncurable illness in rats which causes major respitory problems. You can treat it with antibiotics but she will have it for the rest of her life.  

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