
Is my SAT score high enough to get myself into medical score in the future?

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I am going to be a senior in high school this year and i took the SATs in june and i want to know if my score is high enough to get into school to get into medical field in the near future. I got a 1750 on the test: a 500 in reading 680 in math and 570 in writing. I live in Arizona and am thinking about going to University of Arizona however i would like to go to a Califonia school or Colorado. It would also be nice to be considered to go to a good medical school. I am number seven in my class and have a 4.5 gpa. I am also a cheerleader, honors student, and really want this. Please help me decide if i need to take it again or is it high enough. I know that my reading score is right about average and my math is good but i want to know if i need to try it again. Any input would help!




  1. Your SAT score does not determine in any way if you will go to med school. After your 3 years at college, you will take a similar test, which then will determine your acceptence. However, usually the school you apply for college might have a say in your medical school choice. For example, if you go to Harvard for undergrad, you might want to go to Yale, or some school of that respect. Either way, you're a senior-worry about Med school after your acceptance into college. There are also other criteria for entering med school-such as extra curriculars-while cheer leading is not frowned upon, there are better means of getting a medical schools attention-such as volunteering at a local hospital etc...or doing an internship for a research frim. Whatever suits you. Lastly, those who are going to Med school generally score higher than norms on the SAT when they are entering freshman-I suggest you review concepts early on. Best of Luck.

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