
Is my Son's congestion caused by reflux?

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Our 2 month old son is really suffering with nasal congestion, especially at night breastfeeds which has lasted for 10 days now and has started causing sleepless nights in the last couple of days.

The main problem though is his nose looks dry and it sounds further up, so saline drops and an aspirator don't achieve much. On some occasions his nose sounds clear while feeding.

He has been on a combination of breast and formula for about 2 weeks now, and more recently seems to be posseting more, although not lots. He also only seems to settle after a big bottle feed and arches his back a lot when crying.

Are these the signs he is suffering from reflux and this is causing the congestion?




  1. To me it sounds like it is something to do with the formula.  You said this has been going on for 10 days, and he has been on combo BM and formula for 2 weeks.  Since he is spitting up more, and congested, it really sounds like formula is the culprit.  I would doubt it was reflux.

    Is he gassy?  The arching of the back sounds like bad gas, the spitup and congestion could be from a sensitivity to cow milk protein, which is why when he was breastfed, he wasn't showing any signs of it.

    I would ditch the formula (if possible) and get him to just breastfeed.  See if him being on just BM clears up his problems.  If it does, then you know formula was the culprit, if not, then consult your doctor.

  2. That's possible.  Sinus congestion is a sign of reflux, as well as the back arching.  My third baby had all the signs of reflux and half the signs of reflux disease.  The very day he was born he had a stuffy nose, which I assumed was from the usual newborn gunk, but neither I nor a nurse could suction anything out (because nothing was in there).  He also had food allergies which I didn't identify until he started solids.  I was breastfeeding so it was tricky!  As soon as I figured out what he was allergic to, his reflux was gone.  There have been studies that show as many as half the cases of infant reflux have a milk allergy as the root cause.  In my son's case, it was an oat allergy that was making him sick.  (He was also allergic to bananas and pears, but as far as I could figure they just gave him hives.)

    It does sound like reflux, but even if you get a diagnoses of reflux, keep looking for what might be causing it.  Good luck, and I hope he doesn't suffer as long as my baby did!

  3. When you out your son to sleep, put him in an inclined position. my son had a few sinus infections and the dr said to elevate his matress, let him sleep in his swing or a carseat until he sounds better. did you try a vaporizer? the back arching sounds like gas. they have mylicon drops that will help with that

  4. I am confidant the 2 are not related. Your baby probably has a cold, so I would continue with the saline drops, they do help, even if you think they don't.

    Reflux can be diagnosed by observation of the baby, and is difficult to diagnose by dialogue on the computer. Perhaps cut back the bottle feed in quantity and see if this reduced the possiting. Most possiting is not a problem.

    Elevate the top of his cot with a rolled towel and see if this assists the settling. Good luck.  

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