
Is my VEGAN diet healthy?

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What do you think? This is what ive been eating every day for the past five days now:

Breakfast - One glass of orange juice.

Snack - Handful of dried fruit.

Lunch - Salad roll, (No butter obv.) And another glass of orange juice.

Dinner - Beans on toast.

I drink one glass of water on the hour, every hour also.

... Do you think im getting enough vitamins?!!? Im a Veggie just gone Vegan.





  1. First of all, you shouldn't be eating the same thing five days in a row.  Even if you were eating very healthy food, eating the same food all of the time will not allow for you to get enough of a variety of nutrients.

    Breakfast - Just juice is just not healthy.  How about eating an actual orange?  It's much healthier.  Are you trying to eat a quick breakfast to get out the door?  Toast w/ nut butter and banana slices is quick.  A fiber rich cereal or oatmeal w/ soy or rice milk is quick and healthy too.  Soy milk takes some getting used to, but I wouldn't say it was untasty.  Try different flavors to see which one you like.  I drink Silk soy milk with different varieties of Kashi cereal.

    Snack - Add some raw nuts to that dried fruit!  Great snack.  

    Lunch - A roll and orange juice is no lunch.  You need much more variety.  Keep the roll, but make it whole grain.  Throw out that orange juice.  You are eating no vegetables at all.  In no way can a diet be healthy if there are no vegetables.  Add an actual salad along side that whole grain salad roll.  Pile it high with colorful veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, and a low fat dressing.  A salad is such typical lunch food, but it seems to be an accessible food for vegans to eat whether out or at home.

    Dinner - Beans, toast (as long as it's whole grain)...great!  Beans are a wonderful food.  There are so many types of beans that can add a lot of variety to your diet.  Again, you need to add some veggies to your day.  Steam your veggies for maximum nutrition, toss them with some olive oil, salt, and pepper and garnish with any variety of nuts and a squirt of lemon juice.

    I tried to make suggestions that tie into what you're already eating.  I hope these seem like simple changes to you.  You need to focus on getting a variety of beans, nuts, seeds, grains, veggies, and fruits.  Soy products here and there are healthy, but shouldn't be your only source of protein.

  2. you need to eat a lot more..even if your vegan for health thats not healthy.

  3. Well, I am just becoming a Vegan now, so I don't know a lot about this, but it seems like you are not having enough. You need to have things with carbohydrates and soy to give you protein and keep you going.

    Good Luck!

  4. I will keep it short and say I agree with everyone else that you should be eating more and a more varied diet!

    Anyway, as far as soy milk goes, I'm not the biggest fan of it either, but after experimenting with different milks I've realized that almond milk is WONDERFUL.  I use it on my cereal every morning and it doesn't have a distinctive taste that takes away from my enjoyment of my cereal.  Anyway, there are many things you can eat on a vegan diet.  The web is FULL of recipe sites if you just do a google search.  Or, do as I did, and research vegan cookbooks on Amazon to get you started.  I cook all my meals from scratch these days.  Just to prove to you that you don't have to starve if you are a vegan here is what I ate today:


    Kashi GOLean Cereal w/ Almond milk

    Berry smoothie with green powder




    Odwalla bar (chocolate chip peanut yum)

    PB chocolate ice cream (homemade in my ice cream maker w/ soy creamer and soy milk!)  go to for lots of recipes!


    Black bean soup

    Garlic bread

    Chips with black bean corn salsa


    Eggplant Parmesan

    mixed veggies

    mashed potatoes

    So, there you have it!  NO need to starve just coz you are vegan.  You'd be surprised how many options are out there!  Don't give up and just do some research and you'll be fine :)

  5. You need to be eating a LOT MORE!!!

    There's a good site with lots of recipes

    For breakfast... More fruits, a handful of nuts, soy yogurt...or you could learn how to make Vegan Waffles or pancakes....have them with some jam, they are delicious!!

    For Lunch... A sandwich, some fresh fruit, maybe a granola bar, some juice.

    For need a real meal, not just freakin beans on toast. This post makes you sound kinda anorexic. One of my favorite things for dinner is stir-fried vegetables over brown rice. Sometimes I add tofu or tempeh.

  6. Are you really a troll just here to make vegans look bad?

    Of course that's not healthy! A healthy vegan would eat more than that in just half a day.

    You need more fruit and veg, wholegrain pasta/rice/cereal/bread, nuts, seeds and beans.

    You need to be eating about 2000 calories a day... your diet only gets you around 700/800. So you're missing out on about 4 days worth of food a week!!


    Sorry if I sounded harsh... it just shocks me that someone would go vegan without doing any research. You really need to learn as much as you can so you don't end up getting ill.

    These are good starting points:

    And just try to eat a lot more food than what you're eating now. Even if you're not hungry... if you push yourself for a few days, your stomach will expand to a normal size and you'll be able to eat a healthier amount easily.

    Good Luck :o)

  7. Sorry, you need to eat much more than this. Just try to eat A LOT more.

    Your breakfast should be more than just orange juice. Why not try cereal?

    Your snack is fine, but undried fruit makes a great snack too.

    Lunch should be more than just a salad roll. Why not have scrambled tofu? Or baked beans with a baked potato?

    Beans on toast is a perfect protein- it supplies all 8 essential amino acids, so no problem there.

    Due to the lack of soya products, you may be low on vitamin B2 (riboflavin). It's added to certain soy milks. use it on your morning cereal.  

    Also, there is no reliable source for vitamin B12 in the foods you list. It's important to eat fortified foods each day. Breakfast cereal often has many B vitamins added, so don't miss out. Drink fortified soya milk.

    Try to incorporate more foods into your diet. Your intakes of calcium, iron, etc will be very low if this is all you eat.

    If you carry on like this, you will end up with many nutritional deficiencies. By not eating enough, you are missing out on essential nutrients.

    [edit] You should have researched vegan nutrition *before* going vegan. A balanced vegan diet is suitable for all ages. Key word here is 'balance'. I would strongly recommend a fortified soy milk, such as Alpro Soya, unless you are intolerant/ allergic to soya. I think sweetened soya milk tastes nice. Eat a wholegrain cereal every day for breakfast. I promise you will notice a positive difference in your health. You'll have more energy. Your body will thank you for it.

    Good luck.

  8. your not getting enough nutrients

    i normally eat life cereal, silk yourgurt, or fruit for breakfast

    then i eat alot of snacks at school like odwalla bars, nuts, dried fruit, seeds, or applesause or a mixture of a few of these

    and when i get home i'll make pasta, tofu, veggies, vegan buger or any kinda of veggie meat and i normally make the same kind of things for dinner

    and between the meal i eat when i get home and dinner i might eat a snack like a piece of fruit, peanut butter, nuts/seeds or some veggie

    and i drink either water, silk milk, smoothies, tea, or juice

    yea it might sound like i eat alot, but i dont gain weight, and it's all good stuff

    you sound like your trying not to eat alot, like you wanna lose weight, starving yourself isnt good

    especially when your vegan

    everone needs nutrients and minerals to stay healthy, and when you starve yourself your body goes into starvation mode and stores any food you get as fat for energy

    so even though your not eatting much, you'd still gain weight

    just eat something!!! then your body will use that fat and you'll be good!

  9. You need to eat more. Its unhealthy to eat as little as you do. You need to add more protiens such as soy. You could also have more fruits and veggies. You might want to try tofu. Or beans or stuff like that. You might want to take some natural vitamins.

  10. No, that's a very unhealthy diet. To be healthy, you should get enough calories and eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains.

    Here's a good vegan meal planning guide:

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