
Is my XBOX 360 going to get the red rings of death?

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My Lot Number is 0631, and it says TEAM: CSON

It also says at the very bottom 203W

I don't really know what all of this means, but I heard that under these specifications, mine is considered to be an "older" model of a 360, and that it will eventually get the red rings, and I will have to send it back to Microsoft and wait like 2 months to get it back. Another thing that I have come across is that I have gotten the red rings twice before, but I just shut my console off and left it there for a few hours, and then when I went to play it again it worked fine. Can anyone help me out?




  1. I find it hard to believe that you have had the rrod and shut it off and come back hours later to it working. I think you have an over heating issue all the same.  Yes you will eventually get the rrod but microsoft is replacing them for free. If you contact them and have you system registered they will send you a bow free of charge and you will have a new one in two weeks.

  2. All that those messages on your 360 are is the specifications of it 203 watts of powers are needed, and Team COSN is probably the people who made it. Considering that you got the rings of death before, it is likley to happen, but not very likley.

  3. Send it in before the warranty is up and play outside with real people for a while... you need the sun.

  4. R u serious. I have a 203W power supply and box, Team CSON and Lot # 0734 . It got the red ring one time... i turned it back on like after 20 Sec. and it worked fine. the next day it happened again and after that i never got the rrod. Its probably beecause of the team or the Watt power.

  5. that_pie is telling you lies (well sort of)

    The red rings will appear if you aren't getting enough electricity into it. So if you have old wiring in your outlets or the plug is just falling out of the outlet, your 360 will shutdown and show the rings. If you ever get that, just make sure that the wires are hooked up nice and tight. But, if you play an average 3 hrs a day or more, its probably going to die. I have 2 friends who don't even paly 1 hr a day and they both just died. One sent and got a new one back already. theirs almsot nothing you can do...

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