
Is my Xbox360's warranty intact?

by  |  earlier

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I recently purchased this xbox bundle from


When it arrived, i discovered there was a crack on the front of it, around the area the memory storage port (the memory card slot thingy). I havent yet checked whether it works otherwise, although i relise i should.

If the console work fine otherwise and i were to replace the face plate on the front of the console, therefore getting rid of the crack, would the warranty be 100% intact?




  1. I'm not exactly sure but I'm thinking the warranty wouldn't apply to it anymore. However when you first buy an xbox 360 and if it was damaged there's a limited warranty on your xbox that if you just got it and you open it up and its damaged.  Then you should be able to get a new xbox. So don't bother replacing the faceplate. Just get a new one.

  2. I believe the warranty is only active if you purchased it directly from a retailer. I recommend you e-mail microsoft about it and tell them your situation. Companies are usually more than eager to help you out with things like that. (Nintendo sent me a new GBA game when one of mine lost the ability to save.)

    Good Luck

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