
Is my acne really bad? On a scale of 1-10. ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no, its about a 3. i suggest proactiv or clearsil or clean and clear!

  2. No its not that bad, about a 5. But you might want to invest in some crest whitening strips.

  3. On a scale of 1-10 your acne is 4

  4. like 3-5.its not that bad..

    i have seen wayyyyy worse.

  5. Nope! Your good! And if you put on tinted acne cream and foundation, you'll be flawless!

  6. No, but you should whiten your teeth.

  7. Not bad at all. Rating on your scale of 1-10, I'd give you a 1. You look like you're between 14-16 yr. old? Completely normal and I've seen much worse. Just keep a daily routine of cleansing (but not overly doing it) and no picking!  

  8. At least a 4.

    It is bad but could be worse.

  9. 5 I think that picture doesn't make you look good anyway lose the gum next time you smile

  10. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Not bad 2-4

  12. no it's not bad at all your skin is fine

    answer mine please:;...

  13. 3. Maybe 4, but thats pushin it. Why are you bein so paranoid? You look fine.

  14. its not that bad,its about a 3 on the scale.  

  15. 4.5/10

  16. nope its not bad-  i wish i had your complection

  17. no it could be much worse id say about a 5

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