
Is my art good for my age?

by  |  earlier

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Hi..I'm only eleven years old. I can't compare my art to others because most of the other art i see is done by people WAY older than me...

This is my gallery on Deviant Art:

I'm only eleven. Is this good for my age or does it suck anyways???




  1. I like your art, especially the stupid spaghettios.

    Why so much with the Anime?

    You should take some classes.

    Good luck!

  2. why do I get the feeling you are lying? The art is really good but I'm doubting your age. Especially as you mention it twice in your question. Hey, horses for courses.

  3. You art is very good and I believe that you are eleven.  For your age you are very talented: right now you have a slight problem with getting the shapes of your people ideal, but as you practice this will go away.  And besides, who cares?  There are plenty of people much, much older than you who can't draw half as well (and think they can draw twice as well.)

    However, I would strongly suggest that you avoid posting pictures of yourself and talking about your age publicly over the internet.  I don't mean to be a killjoy... but there are plenty of nasty people out there who would like to take advantage of cute 11 year old girls over the internet.

  4. yes

  5. You're great! I bet you'll really be wonderful when you get older. =]

  6. waaaaaaaay better then mine!!!! good job, i like that, keep up the good work, and dont let anyone put u down or kill ur fire!!  and NO WAY does it suck.

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