
Is my baby actually underweight? The doctor wants to see my 1 year old every two weeks!?

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At nine months my son weighed 23 lbs 13 oz. With his height that put him in the 90th percentile in height and weight.

Right before his one year check up he came down with roseola (high fever and rash), where he didn't eat much. We took him to the doctor that Friday and his checkup was the following Tuesday. At his checkup he weighed 23 lbs 13 oz again. This put his heigth in the 90th percentile and his weight in the 75th percentile. The doctor wanted to see him again in 2 weeks.

In two weeks he didn't gain anything either, but he had just had diarehea from a virus. The doctor wanted to see him again in four weeks.

Today was four weeks and he gained four ounces to put him at 24 lbs 1 oz. The doctor wants to see him again in 4 weeks!

My question is does this seem normal? He is not skinny. He has thick legs and arms and a belly. I think he's gone through a growth spurt and the doctor is looking to make some extra money by bringing us in all the time.




  1. Ask the doctor why she wants to see him...

    My little one actually lost weight from his 9 month appt. to his 12 month appt.  He's a chunky baby and he started walking around 10 1/2 months- so that explains his weight loss.  He was still in the 100+ % for weight, though  :)  Big kid.  Doctor wasn't concerned at all.

    Just ask the doctor why she keeps having you come back...if she's concerned for any underlying issues.  

  2. From what you are saying it sounds like that in a period of almost five months, your son has only gained four ounces, whereas if he stayed at the 90th percentile he would have gained like three pounds. It's your kid, but personally I would be a little concerned.

  3. So he is one year and 24 pounds?  My DD is 18 months and only 25 pounds!!

    He is definitely not underweight, she probably just wants to make sure that he is gaining weight...not sure why though, it was a drastic weight loss.

    I would go to the next appointment and ask her exactly what her concerns are, he is not underweight at all.

  4. Ask the doctor, I would.  As my daughters did not hit 20lbs until about 14 months.  And their doctor was fine with their weight.

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