
Is my baby eating too much?

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My baby will be 4 weeks tomorrow and he's eating about 23-27oz every day...He is on formula since he has a condition that prevented him from being able to breastfeed...He was 6lbs 12oz at birth and 7lbs 10oz at his two week appointment...Is this normal?

I know you're supposed to let a baby eat when he is hungry, and they rarely eat too much...It just seems a little excessive for such a small little

Am I just worrying too much?




  1. Always consult your doctor first, especially with a newborn. I think that 6 - 4oz bottles every two hours is about right. As long as he is not having any digestion problems (having a hard time pooping) then he is just fine, he's just hungry. If his stomach is hard, he's full. If that's the case, try doing something else, like walking him around, driving in the car, playing with toys..But check with your doctor foremost.

  2. Sounds like he's doing great.  His weight gain (1 pound every 2 weeks or 2 pounds a month) is exactly average.  

  3. ***By one month of age, most have increased eating on their own to about 4 ounces every 4 hours.***

    Another way to express this rule of thumb is that the average baby takes 2 or 3 ounces of formula each day for every pound of body weight, up to a maximum of 32 ounces. A newborn weighing 7 lbs. will take an average of 14-21 ounces of formula in a day. A 4-month-old weighing 14 pounds needs 28-32 ounces.

    Nevertheless, these are general guidelines. In real life, this may vary quite a bit from day to day and from baby to baby. It’s best to remain flexible and to let your baby’s appetite guide the amount. You don’t need to coax him to finish a bottle, or stop him if he still acts hungry. If your baby consistently chooses to take more or less than the expected amount, discuss this with your pediatrician.  

  4. as mothers we worry about everything {its our job} but your baby is fine and seems to be daughter weighed 7 lbs.7 oz. at birth and at her 3 wk check weighed 11 lbs. She is perfectly normal now and has babies of her own so relax and enjoy him while he's little.  

  5. Dear,

    Its completely fine.As a nutritionist i would assure you need not worry so much..your baby's weight at birth is ideal and completely normal and the gradual increase in weight is the target weight gain achieved...Breast milk is the best for the baby,  since a condition is preventing him from it, its better to feed him enough substitue which is nutritious in order to provide him with enough vitamins, minerals & other nutrients necessary for baby's growth which can be achieved though the milk formula that you are feeding keep on feeding as you are..and just relax...!!Happy motherhood & Goodluck...!!

  6. NO  he is eating fine. And as long as he is happy I wouldn't change anything.

  7. No, he's not eating too much.  Our 9 month old was born with low blood sugar and had to eat every 3 hours (8 times per day.)  Each bottle contained about 4 ounces so he was also eating about 24 oz daily.  You are correct that babies will only eat what they need.  If he gets to much he'll spit it up.

    By the way - part of being a good Mommy is to worry!

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