
Is my baby nursing enough ?

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I am not sure what my 2 wk old baby is upto ? She latches on well and feeds on breastmilk,but havent had formula for past 2 days.Is she feeding herself enough ?

Also,whats a typical feeding pattern for a 2 wk old it ok to wake up a baby in her deep sleep to feed or let her cry when shes hungry..

am very anxious..hope moms could help!




  1. That is great she is not taking formula.  That means your milk is in and she is filling up on that.  There is no set schedule for breastfeeding.  It is supply and demand.  When she wants it she will let you know.  As long as she is peeing 8-10 times a day and poops at least once then she is getting enough.  A usual newborn will wake every 2-3 hours to eat.  Sometimes they may go the occasional 4 but rarely.  If she goes longer than that she should be woken up in the beginning.  Then she will find her schedule once she starts building more body fat.  If you have any concerns contact your pediatrician or your local delivering hospital nursery.  Most of all relax and enjoy.  Good luck.

  2. Infants should nurse 8-12 times in a 24 hour period. Infants go through 3 stages of letting you know they are hungry. The last stage is crying. Try to get them in the first 2 stages. Feed every 2-3 hours during the day and at night every 4 hours.  

  3. u mentioned that she is latching on but havent had formula too. r u mix feeding her? if so, she might be experiencing nipple confusion. usually babies know when they r full. so dun worry too much about it. and at 2 weeks they really do not drink much.but they do drink frequently.  i was advised if my baby sleeps non stop for more than 3-4 hours then i have to wake her up.

  4. Breastmilk is PLENTY for her. If she doesn't want the formula, don't worry. She is getting everything she needs from the breastmilk.

    Always feed on demand (unless she is underweight and the doctor tells you otherwise)

  5. You feed on demand.  You are suppose to watch for the signs of hunger such as sucking on their hands or rooting around for your nipple but sometimes you miss the signs and they cry so you should try to calm the baby down and nurse her.  You should never let a hungry baby just cry they need to be fed.  Unless they aren't growing as they should there is no reason to wake a sleeping baby usually but with some nursing babies they do need woke-up if they sleep more than 3-4 hrs.  

  6. You feed a 2 week old baby by demand, there is no typical feeding pattern at this age ! bear in mind your baby will be going through a growth spurt at around this time.  

    At 2 weeks I would never wake baby sleeping they will wake up when hungry.  Ofcourse she is feeding enough you do not need to substitute formula , aslong as she has plenty wet nappies and putting on steady weight she is getting plenty :)

    Try to relax I realise its hard especially first few weeks but your baby is learning to adjust like you are so hang in there it will get better trust your instincts as a mother.

    good luck and congrats  

  7. If its the night time and she's sleeping I would let her wake up when shes hungry but if its during the day and you see its around her feeding time and shes still sleeping then wake her to feed her. My nephew is 7 months old and has never had formula one day in his life. My sister went back to work when he was one month old I take care of him. 8hours everyday. ever since he was a couple weeks old he would go to sleep around 11pm and wake up @ 5 or 6 to feed..

  8. Feed on demand (When she cries she is hungry)

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