
Is my baby ok???????????????

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my 6 month year old does not want a bootle she wants to drink from a cup should i bee worried?




  1. I would not be worried at all, I would be happy. this means you will not have to wean her from a bottle. It is a good thing!!! There is nothing wrong with it at all. Be sure she is still only drinking formula or breast milk. Water is okay too. Juice may sound good and taste good but it is not recommended for children under 2. It has no nutritional value!!  

  2. Aww, thats one less thing you have to worry about!

  3. be glad that she is allready off of the bottle. give her a cup. she is telling you she is ready to be off of it.

  4. no... that's one less step for you to deal with down the road.

  5. in my opinion your baby is acting like a little grown up

    dont stress over this!


  6. take her to the doctor just in case, she may just want to be independant by saying no, but better safe than sorry

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