
Is my belly ring ugly?

by  |  earlier

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here is a picture i took last week

so, what do u think?

guys, do u think belly rings are attractive for a girl to wear?




  1. I'm a girl, but I think it's super cute.

    My boyfriend loves mine.

  2. It looks like a belly ring...

    I think belly rings are becoming very lame.. They were cool before every 12 year old started getting them. Actually, piercings in general are becoming lame. So good luck with that.

  3. it looks smexy. you might want to think of going into belly dancing


  4. it looks great.

  5. It depends on how old you are. If you're between 18 and 35, great. If not, yuck.

    The ring itself is very cute though.


  6. omg! that's so cute! Where did you get it? I'm getting mine pierced next week.....

  7. I love it.. it's so cute! When I switch mine I want to get one like the first one! Where did you get it?

    and i love the tan tattoo.. it's so cool

  8. thats rele cute.

    its cuter when you have one and wear a bathing suite.

  9. The ring itself is cute

    but I've never been a big fan of belly button rings...

    I think they look kinda S****y... no offense though just in general...

  10. THAT iS SO CUTE.

    i have my pierced and my ring is kinda like that and it has a lil blue ball thing though and not as much stars but i love it

  11. it's really cute if your 18 - 25.... if you're younger than that it may look like you're a faker... if you're older than that it may look just weird

  12. uh i think that if your going to have a belly ring, you should tone up your stomach a bit.  

  13. personally i think as little piercings as possible are the best but yours does look good but i don't see how it improves your looks

    like what's the point of piercing your body when u already have a great one??

    well anyhow that's just my oppinion

  14. it looks so good:)

  15. I love it and your stomach looks great too

  16. I personally don't like belly-button piercings because I just think it's a little tacky.  I think a stub or something would be okay, but the whole 'stars coming out of a hole in your stomach' isn't the most tasteful thing.  It's popular and I have no idea why.

  17. Yeah it kind of attacks your belly button.

    And you look chubby because you didn't show the sides of your stomach.

  18. noo i (L) it alot! lol; my mom wont let me get mne done :S

    yer luckky lol ;p
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