
Is my best friend being a bad friend? [[DETAILS INSIDE!]] please read..thanks.?

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Is my best friend being a bad friend when we made plans to spend the whole summer together going to movies, beaches, and water parks and does all those stuff with her boyfriend?

Is my best friend being a bad friend when she yells at me for asking an innocent question such as "Do you mind if I catch a ride with you to your house, cuz my dad can pick me up from there?" then I find out that she was sleeping over at her boyfriend's house that day?

Is my best friend being a bad friend making a decision about choosing a 19 year old boyfriend when she's 15? The boyfriend says he's faithful and she believes him. But I have a gut feeling about something else.

Is my best friend being a bad friend spending so much time with her boyfriend, we eventually started drifting apart?

Is my best friend being a bad friend even after I talked to her about how I feel about her spending so much time with her boyfriend? The excuse is always the same, "I'm sorry, but I wanna spend more time with him before school start." Even though they will have weekends and after school?

Is my best friend being a bad friend that sometimes when I ask her if she wanna hang out she would look at her boyfriend with a dissappointed look on her face, shrugs, and said "Sure, I guess." and we never gotten to hang out?

I have plenty of other friends but I don't really hang out with them except school. I miss my best friend. How do I get her back?

Help, thanks.




  1. Yes your friend is being a bad friend! Also she is making bad desissions that you don't want want to get involved with. Seems to me you need to get a new best friend

  2. Movies, beaches, and water parks are not only a one time thing, she did them with her boyfriend, but you two can still go again. However, if you made plans to go the next day or something, and it doesn't go through, then she is a bad friend.

    Yes she is a bad friend for flippin out since you only asked her a normal question.

    She is not being a bad friend because she made a decision for herself.

    Yes, she is a bad friend for allowing the friendship to drift away.

    Yes she is a bad friend for giving excuses, there is always time for friends at least once a week. At least.

    And yes she is a bad friend for not wanting to hang out with you (or implying so).

    I don't know why you would still want to hang out with someone who seems to treat you bad. Its one thing to let the friendship fade, but it seems like she isn't taking consideraton of your feelings, and doesn't even care. Like looking at her boyfriend with a disappointed look and shrugging.

  3. She's a bad friend. You shouldn't drift away from a best friend to spend time with a boyfriend.

  4. Yes is she is being a terrible friend

    if you have a gut feeling about her  boyfriend cheating your probably right

    i thought my friend was being cheated on and sure enough

    me and another friend got his cell phone and he was cheating with 2 other girls.


  5. I think that your friend isn't being a very good friend so don't copy her.  But you guys are best friends so when she needs you be there for her and keep telling her how you feel and how she should change . she'll always be your best friend but that doesn't mean you can't try to hang out with other friends .  

  6. she is being a real b*tch tell her that she has to balance her bf and bffs out or shell only have her bf who will eventually break up with her

  7. Wow..that's harsh. Picking her boyfriend over you? Friends shouldn't do that. And she's 15 and he's 19..?Whoa! That's too big of an age difference! As for getting her back...Do you really want a friend like that? Friends should NEVER do that! Its horrible she'd pick a guy over her best friend. If you really want her back, though try talking to her one on one about how you feel and start making plans that you two can do together. And if she insists on bringing her boyfriend why not all three of you say..see a movie?

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