
Is my best friend really a best friend??

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My "best friend" calls me stupid all the time.

And yells at me when i speak a certain way.

she hates when guys like me, and talks to every single one of those guys.

(altho she's ugly...thats my opinion at least)

And when i have a boyfriend shes not happy for me, but tells me it makes me stupid because i think im in love.

and tells me things about him to try to get me to not like him anymore.

then she talks to my bf everyday all the time.

and when we break up she is so happy, and she flirts with him.

and she told the last guy i liked 12 once. (that was lie) and he got upset with me.

is she really my friend or is she out to ruin my life.




  1. shes not ur best friend...drop her  

  2. I think you know the answer to this hard as it is to accept. Its hard to lose a best friend. But I think you should drop her....I had a friend like that and I cut her loose about a week ago and I can't tell you how much  happier I am now. Just cut her lose. :)

    && if you think she is ugly she probably does too and so do guys. Its a jealousy thing you dont need a friend that tries to bring you need a friend that will grow with you and encourage you in anyway possible. Good Luck

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