
Is my bird a female?

by  |  earlier

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Well I have a cockatiel named Daisey, I've had ''her'' for about 2 months now and I was wondering when she will start having eggs, even if they aren't from a male. And is there anyway to tell if my cockateil is a female before ''she'' has eggs?




  1. does she have a v****a?

    or a p***s?

    lol durr

  2. you need a "male" bird to make eggys : ) hope i helped

  3. squeeze it


  5. idk

  6. I had to have a blood test done at the vet's. Mine is a boy. Good Luck

  7. Well I would take her to the vet and check, but generally the female birds have dull coloring where as males have  vibrant and bright coloring. Also you would need a mate for her to have babies.

  8. well i have a cockatiel too. He's about 6 or 7 years old. usually All cockatiels look female when they are young. At around 6 months, they will go through their first molt, during which most of their feathers are shed and replaced with adult feathers. With the exception of some mutations, it is generally very easy to determine s*x by the markings on your bird.

    Adult females have barring, or horizontal stripes on the underside of their tail feathers. These can be seen clearly while the bird is facing you, with very bright light, or sunlight, directly behind the bird. Females also have a single pea-sized dot on each of their flight feathers (the longest wing feathers).

    For normal greys, the male with have bright cheek patches, and a predominantly yellow crest, while females will have a duller, or grayed cheek patch, and predominantly grey crest with yellow only at the tip. For white-faced grays, the males have bright white cheek patches, while most females have little if any white on the cheek area

    also, males are usually more vocal and outgoing

    did i help? Good luck with raising your bird! cute name by the way.

  9. Hi,

    You can't s*x cockatiels until about 1 year old and if it is a she then she will lay eggs at about one year old.

  10. usually male birds are way more colorful so compare ur bird to a male one if the color is more dull then its probably a girl

  11. females have spotsand male dont because my aunt and uncle breed them

  12. if its a grey cockateil males have bright yellow heads and females have grey heads but if its a latino then a female will be not as bright in coulor and will have strippes under her flight feathers and tail fethers, these stripes are verry hard to see you need to go up against light to see them
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