
Is my bird going to die?

by  |  earlier

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I have a blue parakeet male.

He is about 5 years of age.

Lately he hasn't been acting right and in the sleeping position.

His feathers are all ruffled and he has been doing this for about three days, isolating himself from the other birds.

The other birds are fine. We haven't changed the food, and we ave no money to take them to a vet far away, since there are no bird vets close. h**l, we don't have money to treat him. Please help!

Btw; his name is Dexxstar Raphael.

aka s**y Dexy aka s**y.




  1. If you can't afford to see a vet ask some one who keeps bird to take it , or a rescue don,t just leave it to suffer.

  2. If he is eating drinking sleeping and taking care of his feathers just keep watching him carefully and since he isolates himself from other birds that could be because he is intimidated by the other birds. Like i said just keep watching him. I hope he will be okay:(

  3. 5 years old is pretty old for a budgie, i've read they are susceptible to tumors.

    check for mites, maybe buy some vitamin drops for it.  is it male or female?  boys are blue-tinted around the nostrils.

  4. your bird is a girl and she's pregeant

  5. This happened to my son's bird before he died. You don't have to take him to a bird vet. Any small animal vet should be able to treat him. Unfortunately, birds hide sickness very well so by the time you notice any symptoms it's probably pretty bad. Sorry. Good luck.

  6. parakeets tend to live as long as 20 years so it might not be that he is dieing.  Is it possible that Dexy is Dexie?  I know that is a dumb question, but...

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