
Is my bird moulting?

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My pink and grey gallah has started losing some of his feathers from his front and then slowely from his wings (in the last 2 days) he still has white feathers showing on his tummy but the pink ones have dissapeared in patches? One or two of his tail feathers look ready to fall off but I wanted to know if I should be worried or whether this is normal? He is about 10months old and has not had a mould yet (that was obvious anyway). He is still chatting and whistling, playing etc so I'm not sure?! If it is him going through a moult is there anything I can do to help him e.g certain foods I should feed him?

Help greatly appreciated!




  1. Let me just say... u are soooo lucky to have a pink and grey galah. yes, it is very normal . your bird is moulting. where do u live? do you live in Australia. if so. it is winter and your bird brobably shouldnt be moulting. But if u live in America, you have nothing to worry about. it is fine that your bird is moulting.

    i totally admire u now. i wish i had a galah. all i have is a coulpe of budgies an a cockatoo. lol.

    hope this helps.

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