
Is my bird retarded?

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Um. I have a young parrotlet. He's only two months old, and I've had him for about a week and a half. He's a klutz. He'll be hopping around the perches in his cage, then I'll hear a flutter and a little crash. He apparently misgauges his jumps and falls to the bottom of the cage. He'll also climb to the the top of the cage, then get stuck hanging upside down. Is clumsiness (and silliness) like this normal in young birds (or birds in general), or do I have an especially uncoordinated bird?




  1. No. Your bird is not retarded. Your bird is young and inexperienced. That, and he's in a very new home. Stress will greatly affect the bird's coordination. Once the bird is more at home, and with age and experience, s/he will get better with coordination. I would take him to the vet anyway to make sure the falls aren't doing any damage. Plus, regular vet check ups never hurt.

  2. He's baby and they do silly things. The wings are normally still growing or where clipped so they have to readjust their balance and figure things out just like a small child. Just enjoy the silliness and pay attention to the bird and let him know that you are there if something happens. Thats all they really want. I have a baby budgee and he crashes and then shakes his butt till I look at him. Its his way of saying hey come play.

  3. maybe wing problems . get him checked out fast.

  4. He's still just a baby with lots to learn. He's a toddler. Birds are never retarded, when there is something wrong with it, the parents early in life abandon or kill it. He might be trying to fly. Take him out and work with him a bit everyday. My birds always hang upside down, its normal. He's just trying to be a bird.

  5. Two reasons - young bird, new home.

    It may take a while for the little guy to get adjusted to the cage and moving in general. Practice makes perfect when it comes to flying and climbing. He may also be falling to the bottom of the cage on purpose. If the cage is small or the perches are too close, he may have no other choice to get down than to 'fall'. The fluttering in that case would be him trying to make a soft landing.

    I doubt he is retarded or in any way messed up mentally or physically. I just think he needs some time to get used to being a parrolet :)


  6. You should take him to the vet just in case.  It's probably just him being silly but you shouldn't take that chance.

    I hope I helped!

  7. well he's still young and may not be used to his surrounding's since you had him for only a week and a half. But when he fell one of thous times he might of hert himself so take him to the vet. I don't think you want to take a chance.
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