
Is my blood pressure high?

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Heart rate per minute- 65

I'm 16 and I am on a healthy diet and I lift/run a lot but I was told by my dad that my systolic is high and I'm not sure about the other two but is this something I need to worry about? Also, what could I do to bring it down?




  1. Take your BP at different times of the day after different activities for at least a week, if you have access to a home blood pressure cuff. Do not use the ones at the store, they are not accurate. BP can change from one minute to the next. If over a week it isn't within the normal range, than see a doctor. But you cannot judge on one reading. Normal is 120/80 but as we get older or do certain activities it changes or fluctuates. I don't think your looking at a heart attack just yet!  

  2. You have what is now called prehypertension. Your systolic is definitely higher than what a 16 yr old should have (<120) but as a clinician, I wouldn't freak out about it.

    Cardio will help bring it down, and dropping excess sodium would help as well. I wouldn't recommend medication unless you get zero results from diet modification.

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