
Is my body good for my age? (picture)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and I've been exercising since I was about 12.

I'm wondering if I'm on the right track with my routines.

I have quite a small body so I've been thinking about protein drinks.

I want a Bruce Lee type look.

Thanks in advance

P.s I've already posted this question but didn't get many responses.




  1. Yeah it's fine but..........

    I could have gone without seeing your armpit hair, thanks for that though..

  2. I think so :)

  3. Yeah, your body's pretty good.

    But you should shave your pits.

  4. wow...your really hot :]

    answer mine please;...

  5. Yeah lol you are really strong looking and you are fine! keep working at it and you will be like really strong if you have been working out sence you were 12 =]

  6. For 16 you're looking great! Keep at it. ^_^

  7. Yeah.

  8. okay.

  9. no. failure

  10. nahh. i would just keep doing what you're doing. my brother took protein shakes because he's been active most of his life and he still doesnt gain that much muscle. the shakes were really gross and clumpy. i'd say you're on the right track with what you're doing.

  11. Yeaaaaaaaah

  12. Yeah, for a 16 year old thats an amazing body. But dont get too caught up with image and all that cuz theres more important things to be concerned about.  

  13. very hot


  14. it's ok for a big hunk of jailbait like yourself...;)

  15. You are definitely  on the right track. Your chest is defined and doesn't have extra flab on it, and you really have the beginnings of a strong 6- pack going on. nice work!  

  16. are 16. You have more important things to worry about. This is why our society has so many issues with eating disorders and body images. Go be a teenager!

  17. yes but dont get too hooked on it you will become a bore, work on your photography and dont take photos of your armpit hair in future either.

  18. nice bod! 10 outta 10!  

  19. It looks like your on the right track. I would be careful about protein drinks though..I heard their dangerous.

  20. You're in awesome shape. Just.. do something with your armpit hair please. ):  

  21. How many answers do you want.  Or specifically WHAT do you want to hear?  DO you think your body is toned (obviously you do); so why then do you need ratification from total strangers?  It sounds as if you are either egotistical or have severe problems with self-esteem.  Stop posting the same question and stop being so self-absorbed.  

  22. you don't look too skinny and you have good definition. I wouldn't do that protein stuff because it will just turn into fat when you're older. you don't need to bulk up anyway. and if you're doing any of this for girls then you should know that we don't really care if you have gigantic muscles. the way your muscles are right now would qualify you as totally hot. none of my friends have ever been like "hey that guy looks good but he needs to be more huge." if you have nice arms and some definition you're good to go.

  23. you look hott just the way you dont want to look freakishly buff...

  24. First picture is blurry, second picture shows pit hair.  Include your face for better responses.

  25. yeah, the working out is going well.

    but pull down your pants, your wearing them like my 76 year old grandmother.

    i'm not hitting on you when i say to pull them down either, up to the belly button just isn't very appealing. haha.

  26. Looks great. =]]

  27. I'd say your body is very good for your age :)

  28. I need some muscles like those.

  29. Yeah. (: That's hot.

  30. hey u have a good good good lookin body! i think it's paying off! keep is up cuz it's working well i say! could u tell me what u do cuz im lookin for a good workout!?


    e-mail me at i

    ps i would really like to know some of ur tips! thanks a ton


  31. yeah I'd say that's pretty standard

    maybe a bit above average..

    if your naturally lightly built though, it's going to take a lot of intense workouts and a much bigger diet to increase your mass (size)

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