
Is my body type ok to be a dancer?

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I want to dance. Ive never danced before, but I love to jsut like randomly dance to anything, i love music, and i do have some rhythm. I dont really care what styles, id try any, lyrical hiphop and latin seem really fun to me! :)

But I just wanna know if my body type is alright, and is their a certain hieght/body type you should have .. ? Im skinny, im about 5'5, but im not all that curvy. , I have a porportionate body, my measurements are about 34 27 35, but is that alright for being a dancer? And will my body type affect me when dancing certain dances ?




  1. for latin, you may want "curves" but basically, it's your passion and love for dancing that matters most. being skinny and proportionate should be a great plus in dancing. and your height seems fine too. it's not always best to be too tall as a dancer.... you can try all different types of dance for fun but lyrical, ballet, jazz or something of that sort i think will suit your body type best~! good luck!

  2. I think you would do really well in lyrical or ballet. :)

  3. I'd worry more about how you dance and move and less about how you look.  Your measurements sound fine - GOod Luck and Have fun....

  4. You can have any kind of body and still dance .Have u ever watched Dancing with the starz,there is young people old people small people tall people thin people non thin people.All kinds .Whatever u u are comfortable with u can do .I am not the thinnest person in the world but It does not stop me from dancing .I try to stay healthy and I am trying to lose the weight .But I still continue to dance because I love it a lot .It is my life really .

  5. Don't worry about if you have a body right for dancing. If you just  love to be able to dance, then that's all that matters.  You can try lyrical first - this type of dance will help you express yourself. It will help you be aware of your body in relation to dance and space. It's like Modern dance (the American art style - not meaning contemporary), if you can find a class on it, take it. Modern, ballet, jazz will help you develop good techniques in dance. If it's fun for you, then it's right for you.

  6. In my opinion, the only dance that usually *requires* you to be a certain body type is ballet, but that's a whole 'nother debate.  Dancing is about expressing yourself, who cares if your body fits the "assumed look".  Sometimes it may effect the look of the dance.  For example, most professional belly dancers HAVE cushion there for it plays up the muscles that you see contracting.  However, you still can totally belly dance and look good!  So, do what you enjoy and don't let others perceptions keep you from expressing yourself artistically!

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