
Is my boyfriend too friendly to "other" girls?

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My boyfriend is a very friendly and outgoing guy, he loves to make people laugh. He doesn't judge anyone and treats everyone the same but sometimes i feel like some of the girls think he's too friendly and that they assume he's flirting. I've had girls say to me that my boyfriend was flirting with them and that he was all over them but when really he was only trying to be nice and strike up a conversation. I've seen the way he talks to them and it's no different from the way he talks to a guy but it seems like now these days that if a guy makes you laugh he's automatically flirting with you or wants to get in your pants. I told my bf just to tone it down a little because some girls do get the wrong impression, and that it bothers me when girls think my bf are flirting with them. I didn't tell him to stop talking to girls in general or be mean to them i just told him to be more cautious, less talkative, and careful of what he says to them. Its not that i get jealous it just feels "degrading" when a butt-ugly girl tells me that my bf was "trying" to flirt with her. Do you think my boyfriend is too friendly or do i have a right as his girlfriend to get upset when girls think he's flirting with them when really he's only trying to be nice?




  1. If it doesnt bother you and you accept him the way he is, who gives a rats what anyone else thinks? When other girls try to tell you hes flirting with them, just give a cynical smile and say, "Thanks for the info." Girls telling this kind of information is only looking for a reaction from you.

    BTW< I have to give you kudos for being so understanding with your BF. My hubby is the same exact way and it used to p**s me off to no end because I looked at it as flirting. Took a long time to realize otherwise. Good for you.

  2. Shallow much? Butt-ugly? That's harsh.

    He is who he is and by telling him what to do you're trying to control him. Grow up and get over yourself.  

  3. Well if you know your boyfriend isn't flirting then don't worry about it. You know the way he is, he's just a nice, friendly person and who cares what other people think, let them believe what they want just as long as you know the truth.  

  4. well u should get a little angry at him and be like hey um some one just told me u were flirting with them so try not to have some one tell me that again please i know u are just trying to be nice but its starting to get me worried and then hopefully he will slow down and know that u are his gf not just a friend.

    ps if this does not work than hes not the guy for u im really sry!:(:)())()()()()

  5. Well some people are just very outgoing. You know hes not flirting so there isnt a problem! who cares what they think? you have him and thats all that matters. Dont even bother trying to argue with them about him flirting with them. just be like "yeah hes such an affectionate guy"

  6. just tell those girls to **** off.

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