
Is my boyfriend wrong for not helping me???

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I have been seeing one another for 8 months. We both have degrees in finance. The difference is he is 8 years my senior and is very successful in the field, on the other hand I have had no luck in the field in the last year and a half. He is very successful in the field has worked for Reuters, Lehman Bros and now one of the top 4 accting firms KPMG... I on the other hand have been temping for 6 months and have had to resort to bartending do to the crummy job market. At the beginning of the relationship he wrote me a mediocre resume and since the has offered no assistance on his own or even when asked. That being said people always say its about "WHO YOU KNOW", well I'm in a relationship with smeone in my EXACT field and he swears e has no leads because I have no experience. Am I wrong to feel that he is full of bs? I secretly resent him because of it.




  1. DO it yourself.  If your kind of counting on him getting you in a door, then your not really ready to walk through it on your own.  Besides, you will have more respect for yourself and your position because YOU did it, not him. Do you really want to be beholden to anyone for where you are in life?   You and him may not be together forever, and then you would have to worry about the aftermath of that.  If you got a job for your self, by yourself then no one can ever take that away from you.

    Leave him alone about it, get a crappy job that gives you experience and go market yourself, he shouldn't have to peddle his girlfriend, that makes you less than equal on more than the job thing.

    Be strong and be independant.

  2. I would just stand up and find it on your own, look for a job where you could be an assistant and get the experience to work your way up. I do understand your feelings but in the long run you will feel so much more empowered to do it with out him. Keep looking there is a door some where to open up and get you on your way.

  3. He could be doing, exactly what I'm doing

    Wondering what your motive is . . .

    He owes you nothing . . . and he is not an employer . . . what do you expect?  Business is one place that you "show" first, get rewards later  

  4. He might not feel you are qualified enough for him to recommend you to anybody.  I would find out why he doesn't help out more.  Even if he could at least get you in the door at his company.  You might not start at the top, but at least you can get some experience.  He says you have no experience, but as your boyfriend, he should be willing and have enough contacts to get you an interview somewhere.  The rest would be on your own.  If he doesn't want to or care to want to, then I would think about the relationship altogether.  

  5. You may be unhappy about his resume' but since you already knew it was mediocre why did you use it? If you couldn't write one there are lots of services out there that could help. Instead of ranting about what is wrong why not take so initiative with your career? Yes your boyfriend may have had so help but he (like you) would still have to deliver.Honestly you are jealous that your career isn't flourishing like your bf's is but you should be taking that extra energy and working on things that could turn your situation around.Good luck

  6. i feel that you are just insecured.

    but then, it would help, if i am your boyfriend, to voice out what you feel with all humility... not with a feeling of insecurity

    be careful that you become too bitter...


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