My boyfriend and I have been seeing one another for 8 months. We both have degrees in finance. The difference is he is 8 years my senior and is very successful in the field, on the other hand I have had no luck in the field in the last year and a half. He is very successful in the field has worked for Reuters, Lehman Bros and now one of the top 4 accting firms KPMG... I on the other hand have been temping for 6 months and have had to resort to bartending do to the crummy job market. At the beginning of the relationship he wrote me a mediocre resume and since the has offered no assistance on his own or even when asked. That being said people always say its about "WHO YOU KNOW", well I'm in a relationship with smeone in my EXACT field and he swears e has no leads because I have no experience. Am I wrong to feel that he is full of bs? I secretly resent him because of it.