
Is my brother a sexist?

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His 10 years old and already today he called me a WORTHLESS SL.A.G!

he also said women are b*****s.. and he says lots of stuff like that

is he sexist or g*y?!

my mom won't do anything about it, i'm worried his going to grow up to be a woman abuser!

i'm 17, should i punish him myself?




  1. Don't all boys go through some type of woman hating stage at that age? I mean like really he prolly heard it from one of his friends and once he starts like getting romantically involved with girls he probably won't feel the same way... He is just a young kid.... But, if you really are concerned about this why don't you try to talk to him about it, since your mom won't do anything about it....

    Hope I helped ^^

  2. tell ur dad or smack him in the hand hard or tell ur dad to ground him or he  might get in a lot of trouble

    were did he learn the curses

  3. I would teach him some respect! You're almost 2 times his age!

    If I ever said that about a woman my brother would beat my butt! And then send me to a shrink to work out why I think that...

  4. Yes and you should spank him.  His conduct truly disgusts me.  Thank you and good day.

  5. neither sexist nor g*y.

    hes 10. lol.

    edit: WTF why the thumbs down?!

    he IS in fact a ten year old, who's probably just starting puberty and is in denial that he likes girls.

    just ignore the boy

  6. he's 10...he still thinks girls have cooties...

  7. punish him and insult him a whole bunch

  8. How would he be g*y?  What does slag mean?

  9. I would say go right a head and back hand him in the mouth the next time he told you any of that, eventually he'd get the picture it's not a good idea to say that becasue some girl will eventually kick his butt for saying something like that, BUT if you told your mom and she didnt do anything about it and if you were to do something to him as a form of punishment you'd get yourself in a whole lot of trouble believe me parents dont think it's your place to discipline your siblings it sucks. i dont really know if there is anything you could do maybe tell your dad if he's in the picture or another adult I.e an Uncle or Grandpa or some other respected male form in your family to point him in a different direction becasue even if you tried to talk to him if he seriously thinks that way you arent going to get through to him

  10. Tell him that if he says something like that you'll slug upside the back of head with your fist.That's very cowardly of your mother not to do anything.

  11. and he is 10!?!?!?!?!

    wow he is going to be a jerk

    (no offence in any way)

    if your mom wont punish him you should!!;...

  12. I don't think he'll turn out to be g*y, but I do think it's a problem that someone should address. Nobody should be degraded and disrespected. In society today girls are known as b*****s, and whores and thats not something I would want my brother to learn. You should definetely explain to him that his actions are completely inappropriate. Otherwise he's gonna learn the hard way.

  13. he isnt really sexist, he is just a little, well, you know.

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