
Is my brother acting immature? u think my mom should kick him out?

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he's 24 and he acts immature, I think. I don't like it when he is around us because he always yell. by now he should live on his own. he had found a job using someone else's name and he can't have his own working papers. I'm 18 and I'm still looking for a job. my dad is in africa now and whenever my little brothers make mistakes or do something, he yells at them. my dad already told him not to yell at them. he does so because my dad is not around. my mom doesn't even care. my mom is lenient; my dad told her to kick him out because he's too old to live with us. he doesn't talk to me. only my cousin, mom and my little brothers. he tries to make me jealous by talking to them and pretending as if I'm invisible. That's ridiculous. I don't want anything from him. he always ask me for money, ask me unimportant questions, and criticize me. I'd be more than happy if he leaves. he makes my brothers (they're 13 and 11) to stay away from me because I don't care about them. I do. I just like to stay in my room and read books to avoid criticism, yelling, argument, etc. sometimes they don't say hi. that's fine. my mom yelled at me last saturday because I act as if I have no family and I need to change my behavior and talk to them more. I'm hard of hearing and sometime I'd rather not to talk. I know sign language; they don't. I think my mom wants me to enter to the hearing world and forget about the deaf world. my family don't understand me. so what's the point to talk to them? sometime when I talk to them, they don't get it. It's either my voice is low or I didn't enunciate clearly or I have an accent. I told my mom that I need a speech therapist so I can communicate better with people. she thinks I don't need it. I just have to talk loudly. see, she doesn't understand. I do need a speech therapsit. A lot of kids at school don't understand. aAnd I don't have a lot of friends.




  1. Your mom either can not afford the speech therapy or does not want to spend the money.

    Either way, you can work around her by doing research and getting links and info from the deaf community where you live and online.

    As for your older brother, ignore him, be respectful to your mom, and be nice to your little brothers. They are innocent in this. Your angry older brother is using them as pawns against you.

    You could talk to your dad when your mom is not around and explain to him what you have explained here. He could be more understanding than your mom.

    I hope that things get easier for you.

    Best wishes

  2. Nope acting like a father.  Anyway, your father is in Africa so I don't think that your brother needs to be kick out.  You know what you have to talk to your family what you feel.  Just be honest. They will understand you if you tells them how you feel on the situation.  Anyway, you are the one who stay away with them, talking to them may solve your problem.  

  3. Wow. Sounds like you have quite a dysfunctional family. But don't feel too badly. A lot of people have similar problems. I can't solve all your problems, I'm afraid, but I do have some good advice for you:

    1. Stick to the sign language. That is a GREAT tool for getting a job. In many fields, if someone who is deaf is a customer or client, they will need someone who can communicate with them. It is not like you can't talk to people verbally, too.

    2. You are right that a speech therapist would be great. Talk to a teacher at school for some help, look for an ESOL program in your community, or find a friend who is willing to work with you. If none of that works, you might try finding a DVD or computer software that will help you learn to speak better.

    3. As far as being friends is concerned, it is hard, but it is never too late to get some. The best thing to do is to get involved in whatever activities you can. Join a club. Join a sport. Do volunteer work in your community. Get involved at church. Whatever you want to do. This also has an additional benefit: it gets you out of the house and away from your crazy family!

    4. As far as your brother is concerned, there is not much you can do about him except ignore him and avoid him. You and your father are right: he should be forced to move out. You can talk to your mom about it, but odds are she is not going to let her "baby" go. In that case, all you can do is try to keep away from him and do what you have to do to prepare YOU to be able to leave when you are ready.

    5. Finally, treat everyone with respect, even your jerk older brother. Treat your little brothers with kindness and be friendly with them. Treat your friends and classmates and neighbors with gracious joy. Treat your mom with respect and be responsible. Do this, and you will earn people's respect. That will make a big difference in your life.

    Good luck!

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