
Is my brother g*y because he listens to the Jonas brothers. He also listens to radio disney.?

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He is 15 years old and he listens to radio disney and likes the jonas brothers. He is obsessing over the Jonas brothers. He really likes Joe the most and Nick and Kevin. Tell me if he is g*y. Thanks




  1. It doesn't mean he is g*y.

    He may be but other things would certify that.

    I know a lot of guys who are obsessed with bands and band members.

    Then again this doesn't mean he isn't g*y, look out for other signs.

    Chloe =]

  2. No that doesn't make him g*y

    i'm g*y and hate the jonas brothers with a passion

    it just means he has poor taste in music

    only way you can tell is if he has loads of posters of them and zac efron in his room

  3. your taste in music cant prove nor disprove whether or not you're g*y.  

  4. he probably is, but that doesnt make him a bad person.

  5. okay half the world is obsessing over the jonas brothers right now. i'm sure his taste in the jonas brothers/disney does not make him g*y.

  6. There's a multi billion dollar campaign to get the entire youth of the world to love the Jonas Brothers. Why would this really mean anything.

  7. Well, I'm g*y and I DON'T listen to the Jonas brothers and I DON'T listen to radio disney.  I don't even know what these things are.

    Does this make me straight?

  8. The song Headstrong by Ashley Tisdale is one of my favorite songs.

    The idea that disney music is g*y means you know NOTHING about the g*y community. It wouldnt hurt for you to lurk here in this section of answers to see what the g*y folks are really like :)


    In fact, I assure you, it is safe to assume that he is NOT g*y UNLESS he tells you he is.

    I've always sworn by the rule: "A person's style or taste says very little about their sexuality."

    I feel this way simply because I do some things that might be considered g*y when in all actuality, I feel like an average straight man. I tend to prefer women despite the occasional thought about men in that way, I suppose that everyone, Straight or not, has those kind of thoughts as the human imagination is always active.

    I also listen to a few artists that may set off one's 'Gaydar' and you shouldn't always trust your 'Gaydar'. I simply use that instinct to predict, so that I can hopefully joke about (tastefully) and sort quickly recover if I find out someone is g*y. (usually I don't believe they're g*y unless they tell me it's true themselves.)

    Stereotypes tend to be very easy to apply, but remember that applying such stereotypes and acting upon them is considered VERY RUDE, especially towards g*y/lesbians.

    My advice, dont let your fear of the unknown cause you to do/say something like that. It is often considered hurtful. I for one, as a straight man take it as an insult when someone calls me 'g*y' simply because of a few reasons:

    1. Why should my sexual orientation even matter to someone whom is only a friend?

    2. I do not appreciate being stereotyped, I am an individual and I fully expect to be treated as such.

    3. Most people say 'g*y' in a very rude tone of voice, often mockingly, disgusted or just downright demeaning way.

    4. A conservative nature, and lack of a female mate, does NOT mean they are not looking for one, I am, merely being choosy about the WHEN and the WHERE I will meet a woman. Life is tough and I would dearly love to start dating once I have income I can use to do so with. Even then it wont be with just anyone.

    5. g*y men like men only! If he's ogling girls too, he may only be bi-curious, this is apparently very common in teens. I know from personal experience that I've had thoughts about guys at that age and even now, but I am straight. So don't be quick to judge.

    If after reading all 5 above reasons you're still convinced he's g*y, DONT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Let him tell you himself, it's bound to happen sooner or later, don't ask about it though, and dont act unconfotable. Best to just forget you suspect he's g*y until you actually catch him in the act of kissing/making out/having s*x with another guy, and even then dont let them know you've seen them and if you do slip away unnoticed, DON'T SAY ANYTHING until he comes out in the open about it.

  9. Hm... g*y? Nah.. Bad Taste? Of course. Well, I can't tell you if he's g*y or not, by just the fact that he likes Jonas Brothers... If you had said "Well, my brother kissed another boy and was holding hands with him" then that's a different story

  10. Good you have a life?  Mind your own business and go develop some of your own interests...  Stop obsessing over what your sibling may or may not be doing....good grief...Aaauuuggghhh...

  11. he is problem not g*y  

  12. just because he likes them doesnt mean hes g*y.

  13. No, he just has poor taste in music. That doesn't mean he's g*y.

  14. why do you think like that?that's silly.anyone can listen to any kind of music it doesn't make them g*y or straight or even bi...

  15. he's a kid mayb he'll know when he's older

  16. ehh sad to say but most likley :x

  17. you t**t, music doesn't refelct sexuality. just cause he likes disney songs and the jonas brothers, doesnt mean he likes men. there are tonnes of g*y guys i know who HATE the jonas brothers.

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