my brother is 16 years old. im 13 (if that helps). my brother has been acting differently than he usually does. my brother seems to complain about how he can't do the things he wants to do and how he has no confidence. he also says that he feels like he has nothing and he doesn't want anybody nagging him about stuff. today he said that he isn't happy with his life and that he wished that people would stop lying to him but people don't lie to him. me and my mom try to find out what he wants to do in life but he says that he doesn't know what he wants. he just feels as if something is missing. and then sometimes he yells at my mom for not pushing him hard enough. my mom did try that when he was young but he wouldn't listen to her. sometimes he cries by himself and i don't know what to do to make him happier. whenever my parents talk to him about this, he just gets mad at them. today he was being mean to our cat and i told him: that won't help anything if you are being mean to her. then he replied: i was bullied all my life, i want people to feel my pain. i didn't know what to say after he said that. also today, he said that sometimes he can't stand seeing himself in the mirror because he's ugly and hidieous.
is my brother going through depression? if he does what should i do? i just want him to feel better about himself and about life. i don't know what to do about this...