
Is my bunny crazy? 10 points best answer?

by  |  earlier

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I was playing with my bunny today, and he hasnt been acting like himself lately...

I was laying on my stomach, and he hopped right to me, and put his head on my arm...I started stroking him, and everytime i was finished with a stroke, he would start to grind his teeth. Then he just started l*****g me, hopped a few feet away, laid down (The was i was laying, lol) looked up at me, nod, l**k his paw. look up at me, nod, and l**k his paw! He did this for about three minutes...WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BUNNY?! ten points best answer!




  1. He is probably tasting the salt on you're skin.Thats why he is acting that way.If he does that every time you give him salt that is porbably the reason.He might be allergic or likes salt alot.You should buy a thing called a Alt Roll.

  2. some bunny are crazy some are not it depinns weder it have rabys.

  3. I see nothing strange about what you wrote about your rabbit.  He's just acting like a normal rabbit.  No, he is not getting the salt off of you.  Unless you're feeding him a low quality feed then he doesn't need a salt wheel.  Buy your pellets at the feed store, not the pet store.  It's higher quality and cheaper, too.  So is the hay.

    Anyway, the grinding teeth is just showing he's content.  The l*****g is just grooming.  It's a social thing for rabbits to groom each other.  It's just a rabbits way of being social/nice.  Nothing more.

    Sounds like you're doing a good job with your rabbit.  :)

  4. I had a bunny that did the same thing ppl think just because they are rabbits the dont show love but they do in a funny way my bunny would lay on me fall asleep on my bed w/me and l**k me alot on my face and arms like i said its thier y of saying i love you i think

  5. i thinkl its in love with u its doing its love dance

  6. lol

  7. yes, yes it is.

  8. He needs salt.....when you start to sweat he will probably do that u can go to ur local petstore and get salt l**k for rabbits and he will stop doing is very cheap at petsmart

  9. He is not crazy, he actually was tasting your salt off your body sweat. You should go to the pet store and but what are called alt Rolls. it is good for them. It also sounds like the bunny is in heat or horney, don't mean to sound rude, but hey you asked.

  10. its just playing around. when bunnies are happy they act all crazy and almost do back flips and roll around. its totally normal dont worry. so your bunny must be pretty happy. mine does it too. but i think it cute.:D

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