
Is my bunny pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i have a male lop eared bunny, my daughter was given another bunny, i was told it was a make, i put it in the cage with my rabbit and he immediately mounted the rabbit, it happened twice, do rabbits get pregnant that quick, im not sure what to do, we didn't want baby rabbits and the one is a regular brown rabbit, not a lop ear, thanks




  1. Rabbits hump for a number of reasons, not just reproduction.  They can get pregnant very quickly, but my guess would be that your rabbit was humping the new one to show that he was the boss.  You should not ever house two unneutered males together!  Period.  End of story.  They can and will fight, sometimes to the point of serious injury or death. Have both neutered, then try to reintroduce a month or so later using the tips found here:

  2. You need to get them spayed/neutered.  

  3. yea ur bunny is pregnant umm well u should know dat when u rabbit has the babies don't look at them or touch them cause the mom rabbit will kill it and also have to separate the male

  4. Ok i think he or she is pregnant.

    they give birth in about 18 to 35 days.

    And will make a nest ethier a week to a hour before giving birth.

    if yu dont want them then ask your vet but i think your stuck if she is.

    remove the male.

    Dont touch or look long at the babies and you can wean when they are 3 weeks old.

    They open there eyes about 8 to 12 day olds and they can go to new home about 7 to 9 weeks.

    I have just had baby rbabits so i am truly happy to help anyone who needs to know abou certain things.

    please email me at pk013joker'

    Good luck
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