
Is my butterfly good?

by  |  earlier

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i know my turns aren't that good,

but is the rest of it good?





  1. Your timing is good.  There is always room for improvement.  What I see is that on your recovery after a breath you are flailing your arms up a bit, try to keep them close to the water, do this by popping the elbow up first and arms recover like a fingertip drill only the thumb is the fingertip.  Also, I see good high hips (again don't know what other people are seeing, because it is natural and breaking the surface every stroke) but your upbeat kick could use some more power.  To achieve this work on fly kick on the back and sides.  It needs to be bigger, not smaller like someone else suggested.  About the pull, on your finish you are shortchanging yourself, be sure to follow all the way through, brushing the thumbs against the thigh is a good idea.  I don't know what all the fuss is about the breathing, its fine.  You don't ever want to breathe back to back which you didn't.  Breathing every 3 or everyother is appropriate, for all distances, even a short 50yd one.  All in all, your fly is good, but would be better with some minor tweaking.

  2. Nope, its pretty bad

  3. Beautiful keep up the good work

  4. yea, its almost perfect, it just needs to be a little bit faster, but its pretty fast already

  5. amazing!

  6. yes it is, way better than mine!

  7. that is very good...

    i would know because i've been swimming competitively for 6 years

  8. thats pretty cool and fast i think you did a great job really cool ;p

  9. Yea,I can't even do that!

  10. Totally not bad. If you're not professional that's enough for you to survive when your boat is upset ever.

  11. yes it looks great

  12. Its pretty good. Keep your head down more when you breath, and try not to breath so much, the more you breath the lower your hips go and the slower it makes you. Other than that you looked pretty good, your techneque was very good. keep up the good work.

  13. yaaaaaaa

    good job=D

  14. You have a nice arch and a steady rythm, which is very good. However, you do need to work on your turns and two hand touches.

  15. its pretty good. try to focus on keeping your butt more down. that was always an issue for me when i swam. it will help if you do really fast slim kicks, instead of long flowy kicks, as that will aid in going faster. if you watch the video, it looks like you seem to be losing energy, so to help contain it, take quick breaths instead of bringing your head higggggh up out. work on your two hand touches alot, and with a bit of practice, you should be getting better.

    help please;...

  16. Honestly......whoever was filming didn't do it good! I couldn't watch your stroke at all........I'm a flyer and I would be able tell, but it was all blury.....ever swim 200 fly?

  17. 1.ok put ur chin down so ur butt comes up.

    2.then u def. need to work on the turns bc that is ur stroke u need to do at LEAST 5 butterfly kicks underwater b4 u start u stroke

    3.also u need to extend ur stroke and keep ur arms tight like just keep ur stroke together dont break

    4. dont breahe every one do every other stroke...builds ur lungs, and it makes u stronger and faster... i hope u take my advice i have been swimming 4 9 years:)

  18. Not bad, work on your rhythm though.

  19. Yes, it is very good! Very graceful.  The only thing I would say is that it seems as if you might be coming a little too far out of the water.  Don't waste too much energy on and up and down movement, its the forward that counts! But it looks beautiful! Keep up the good work!

  20. keep your shoulders square, your neck more arched, and dont breathe quite so often.

  21. yes, except work on the turns, and you're coming up too high above the water in each stroke, dont waste your energy. (i have the same problem)

  22. It looks fantastic! Great job!

  23. ya thats great!!

  24. This is really advanced. I would advise you to brush your thumbs against your thighs because it gives you a more powerful pull. My coach suggested this to me and I cut 5.5 seconds off my 100 fly!!
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