
Is my car road trip worthy?

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me and 3 friends are planing a road trip maryland to califorina and back and i have a 2000 kia sepia with no problems with 61k miles and i know every one whos ever driven it now should i buy a 2001 ford tauras wagon with 160k from a gas station?

will the Kia even though its a kia (probably the worst company) last that trip or should i buy the Ford?

the Kia has no problems and i had an inspection on it to make sure and its always been up to the regular maintenance and i know nothing about the ford and theres no refunds if i buy it




  1. For one, get a prius..., thats the only frikin' clown car on the market!!!

    And no.. your car wouldn't, but it's allright? K.I.A., KilledInAction

  2. I never understand why people ask this question or gt a rental car. It's a vehicle, I figure something designed for travel would be good at long distances. if a old car can do it, a new one can too.

  3. KIA is a good car.  It will be great on gas too.

  4. just do it  

  5. yea it is good enough for a road trip

    answer mine??


  6. Yea it is. You can make it there and back easily.

  7. Take the Kia. The ford has too many miles on it. I have driven my 2000something Saturn all over the country and never had any problems with it.. and Saturn's reputation isn't much better than Kia's.. have fun!

  8. Even though the kia is a kia...

    it should hold up

    if it doesn't you can usually  find a car dealership that will help you out

  9. NO

  10. you may be able to drive the worst car ever and make the guniess world record lol but it should make it still kinda new

  11. I personally would not buy the Ford... Fords do tend to have problems especially if not maintained properly (and I do like Ford products).

    I've never heard anything bad about Kia. I think I would trust the Kia over the Ford.

  12. You know what you have, if it was me, I would take the KIA and not push it to hard.

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