
Is my cartilage piercing infected?

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About two months ago I got my industrial pierced. Since then I haven't had any problems and I have been really good about cleaning it. But I do have a bad habit of playing with it. Recently, I noticed that on the inside of my ear where the hole is on both piercings it has formed a swollen bubble around the hole. It isn't red, or hot. But occasionally I will have some fluids come out of it. Is this swollen bubble bad or is this normal? I have another cartilage piercing on my other ear that I got done years ago and I dont remember ever having this problem.. help!?




  1. i had the exaaaact same problem with mine. the inside of the top had this weird scab/bubble/weird thing that made my ear sort of look like it was swollen.

    anyway, it's like a keloid but if you treat it properly it will go away.

    the worst thing you could do in this situation is to try and pick it off, touch it, play with it etc etc etc. don't worry though, it's not infected.

    if you are still cleaning it everyday, then start using tea tree oil diluted in warm water. just a few drops in about a cup of water is enough. but make sure it's 100% oil first. tea tree oil can help prevent you getting keloids and hypertrophic scarring and all that stuff so it's really good.

    after a while it will go down, don't expect it to go away overnight cos mine took a few weeks. but if you leave it alone, and let the scab fall off by itself and use the tea tree oil solution then it should go away with no problems. just make sure you don't pick it!!

    mine has gone away now and the top hole doesn't hurt anymore, but i think i'm getting the same thing on the bottom hole..

    good luck

  2. no its not an infection, this is called scar tissue. The easiest way to get rid of it is to buy Tea Tree Oil (which can be found at a drug store usually near the vitamins) and use a q tip to apply it to the bubble. In a matter of days you will see significant improvement. I have 16 piercings and this has always worked for me.

  3. lol that happen to me... i took it out cause the stupid bubble was there for like a month it was all good  in the first two weeks but after that it hurt to lay on my left side hm idonno but if i were yew (which i was) take it out :L then he it re-done me.  

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